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It's already night but Saereum still drawing in her art room. There is almost 30+ art in her art room. She work so hard. For what? You will know soon.


It's already morning. Saereum get out from her art room and saw Junkyu.

"Junkyu oppa..." Saereum call Junkyu.

"Yep? Anything?" Junkyu replied

"Do you know where I can sell my art?" Saereum ask.

"Do you want to sell it?"


"Hmmmm....I will find where you can sell ur art soon"

"Okay,thank you"


Saereum try to stay away from Haruto. And many people buy her art. She against a lot of money. Now she is looking for a cheap house, enough with the money she has.


It's night already,everyone is sleeping. And there is Saereum who bring her luggage bag and some other thing. She already order a taxi. Then, she put his luggage in the taxi and she also got into the taxi. No one knew of her departure. But she already left a letter,only for Junkyu cuz she know that only Junkyu will search her.

Aftee a few hour,she arrive her new home. She doing it cuz Saejung always said that she want to steal her husband. She took out her luggage. She went into the house. The house is practically clean. AIP! the house been bought from the money from the sale of her art.

Because of it's already 3AM,she make a decision to sleep first and will clean the house later.


The family was eating peacefully,then there is Junkyu that just get out from his room.

"Where is Saereum?" Junkyu ask as he sit on the chair.

"I don't know,maybe she hasn't woken up yet" his mom answered.

"I will looked at her for awhile" Junkyu said then he get up from his chair and go to Saereum's room. Right after he open the door,he can't see Saereum on her bed. He entered and circled the room to find Saereum. He can't find Saereum but he find a letter that Saereum left for him.


I already out of this house. Please don't look for me again. And don't tell the people in the house that I'm out of this house. Don't worry, I already have my own house. Don’t blame the people who are in this house, I moved not because of them. We will meet again next time!

Kim Saereum'

That is the content of the letter. Junkyu get out from Saereum's room and go to breakfast,he didn't say anything. He just quiet.

"Where is Saereum? She already wake up?" his mom ask.

"I don't know" Junkyu said.

"She not in her room?"

"I don't know"

"I didn't get it,what do you mean?"

"Maybe she already breakfast outside,with her friends maybe" Junkyu lie.



Saereum got up early in the morning and cleaned the house. She saw there was a picture of 2 child drawn by her. Yep,it was little Ruto and little Sae. She hung up the picture and went back to cleaning and arranging other items.


She got a message. As expected,it's from her brother,Junkyu.

'Wherever you are,please be healthy and take care'
That's what Junkyu wrote. Saereum just read and did not answer.


"Do you think I won't look for you? I must be looking for you. I will never leave you alone." Junkyu said to himself. Then Junkyu came out from the house. Junkyu go to his office and thought about how he was going to find his sister.


Sujin call Saereum,but Saereum didn't pick the phone.

"Where is Saereum" Sujin mumble.

She call Saereum for many times,but Saereum didn't answer. So she decided to call Jeongwoo. She call Jeongwoo,Jeongwoo pick up the phone.

"Park Jeongwoo...."

"What?" Jeongwoo answered

"Do you know where is Saereum?" Sujin ask.

"No,I didn't know where is she,why?"

"I call her for many times,but she didn't pick up my call."

"Try search her at her house" Jeongwoo suggest.

"Yeah I want to,but I'm kinda scared"

"Scared? Why?"

"Maybe no one didn't care where is Saereum. Just look at her family..."

"Maybe you should ask her sweet brother"

"Oh yeah! The only one who not scary in her family!"


"Uhmmm....I didn't have her brother number"


"What should we do?" Sujin ask again.

"I don't know,I will think about it. What if we ask Haruto? He is Saereum brother in l-"

"NO! OF COURSE NO! Even you know what happen with them right?!"


"I will find a way to talk with her brother then"

"Oh okay! Good luck"


Sujin end the call.

Dreaming of Dream [𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐁𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎] TREASUREWhere stories live. Discover now