13: Only him

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Sarawat called his secretary and asked "Nick check the cctv one time and send it to me". Nick replied " Ok sir". After 2 minutes, Nick send the footage, he played it and saw a person came and had a talk with Tine. There he came to know about the dinner. He again called Nick to track down Tine's location.

After getting the location's name which was Vienna Restaurant. Sarawat went there with Nick. They stepped out of the car and saw a man was thrown on the ground, he saw his wife staggering a bit, he was drunk.

"You... You.. Know w-who can bullwy me??? Only my huwbbu he's mine" Tine giggled and said. "I-If you dare to l-lay a finger on me thwen... Umm.. Thwen what will Tiny do??" asked Tine cutely tilting his head and searched for something. He found some stone chips, he took one and giggled "I'll.. Beat your bummies.. With these stwones... Doom doom" Tine threw the stones and laughed then clapped when Luke ran away.

Sarawat and Nick laughed at the cutie's antics. Nick said "Sir he's a keeper". Tine heard those noise, he turned around and looked at Wat with glittery doe eyes, lips pouting. Sarawat cooed and pulled him by his waist.

Tine smiled and kissed his nose "I-I'm in lllloooooobeeeeee with my huwbbu... He's shoo handsome... No body cwan take him away flom Tiny..... No... No.." Tine showed Sarawat fingers crossed as a no sign by both of his hands.

Sarawat nodded and said "Yah no one should mess with Tiny..." Sarawat kissed his cheeks and forehead then carried him to the car.

Tine woke up from a deep slumber, he saw his dress was changed to a black shirt, and shorts. His head was badly aching, he slowly went to the washroom.

After doing his business, he came out and saw his hubby sitting on the bed. He teared up and went towards him with little steps. "Hu-hubby I'm sorry.. I-I didn't inform you ab-about the d-dinner" Tine was fidgeting with his finger.

Sarawat said "Come here beautiful... There's nothing wrong if you didn't inform me... Because yesterday the show greatly amazed me that's why I'm not angry at you". Tine tilted his head "Show?" Sarawat nodded and pulled Tine beside him.

"Hubby.... I really love you.. I'll never ever cheat on you.." Tine hugged him. Sarawat caressed his back and softly whispered in his ears "I know sweetheart......But I really want something right now baby" Tine asked "What?"

Without saying anything, He dipped down to kiss Tine, and placed his hand on the white thighs of his wife. Tine moaned when the warm palm glided up to the crotch. He visibly shook and lied down, he unbuttoned the shirt and welcomed Sarawat to devour him with open arms.

And they had a great adventure in the morning instead of having coffee.

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