Part 12

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[Yoongi Pov]

After the message, Y/n didn't even flinch, she enter the van, took the steering wheel and drove away from the place.
"Y/n where are we going? What's happening?"
But she didn't answer to me, she kept looking to the road. I know she's hiding something, she knows where they are.

We got into this place, I don't know if it is a house or a preparation for the apocalypse, but seems like someone important lives here. We enter the house and she still didn't say a word, I was starting to get worried about her, that's the first time ever she's not talking so this is concerning.

[Y/n Pov]

I've had enough of it, after that message, is all about friends and family, I know that Kim Namjoon send me the message, and now my brother and Taehyung are with him. I won't let him get what he wants, not this time. So I decided to visit an old friend, ex military, he has all I need to go after Namjoon, and I'm talking about heavy armament. I'm not afraid of what could happen, I just want my brother back, even if this means that I have to face Namjoon again.

I have no idea what happened to him through this years, for some time I thought he was dead, but after I find out that he was in coma because he got shot in the head, but I don't think I'll ever know the truth. Kookie told me one thing, the news told other, the cops another and that's a non ending cycle.

When I got to my friend I asked him for everything, guns, explosives and protection equipment for me and Yoongi. He still seemed clueless of what it was happening, but you could see in his eyes that he wanted to save his best friend, so we worked together for it.

I drove back to my place and the van was full of equipment, enough to us so explode a supermarket. I got relieved that my house was empty, after what happened I could expect a visit. Me and Yoongi sat on the kitchen and started to think on a plan to get into Namjoon's mansion without him knowing that we are going there.

We are very nervous, anything can go wrong and any type of mistake could end the life of those we love. This is so overwhelming, but we don't have many options right now, we need to save them.
All of all the plans we could agree with one, it will be easy, me and Yoongi will sneak into his place trying to enter by the vents. If this goes wrong it will kill both of us but we need to have a little bit of hope.

Yoongi:Are you nervous?
Y/n:Of course I am, I have no idea what will happen, I'm trying to prepare myself for the worse so I could have a plan if everything goes wrong, but still...
Yoongi: I'm sorry for not predicting this before, I thought it was all safe, I didn't see it coming.
Y/n: is not your fault, I think all of us where too excited for it and didn't think on all of the possibilities of what could go wrong.
Yoongi: So...why would Namjoon do that?
Y/n: Well after he tried to kill me and then my brother almost kill him I bet he has some issues with me.
Yoongi: Did Namjoon did that because of...?
Y/n: Yes
Yoongi: wait, really?
Y/n: He found out that I was cheating on him, so he tried to kill me.
Yoongi: I don't even know what to say, this is all my fault, you almost got killed because of me. But how did he find out?
Y/n: Well...I got pregnant, but Namjoon was not able to... get someone pregnant.
Yoongi: Wait so if it wasn't his, then it was...
Y/n: Yes, it was yours.

[Yoongi Pov]

As she said that she got up from the chair and walked to the fridge, she grab a can of beer and drink almost all of it. "I'll get on the bed, we talk tomorrow about the plan".
I tried to talk to her but she just turned and got into the bedroom. I never felt so guilty in my whole life, all of this suffer was because of me, I did this to her. But hearing that Namjoon tried to kill her and then he did kill the baby hurted me a lot. He killed a baby.

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