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Hey guys! So this one was requested by @lmLj901. There's not much to say before we get started, just this might end up being kinda sad, so if you don't want to read sad stuff don't read ig?? Enjoy!


" Peter, Fury gave us a mission, so we'll be gone for about a week. Happy and your aunt will be here to watch over you," Tony announced as he gathered his things together. Peter perked up. 

" Did he say anything about wanting me along?" Peter asked, daring himself to hope. Tony chuckled. 

" No, it's too dangerous for you, of course not! You're just a kid, we don't want you to get hurt," Tony said, ruffling Peter's hair. Peter nodded, deflating. 

" Hey, don't look so sad! You've got patrol tonight!" Tony tried cheering Peter up. Peter scowled and rolled his eyes. 

" Yeah, in the safest part of the city where I can't do anything to actually help," Peter muttered. Tony sighed. 

" We just want you to be safe, Peter. We don't want to see you get hurt," Tony explained gently. Peter rolled his eyes. 

" It's part of the job, isn't it? That's what you said the first time I saw you come home with three bullets lodged in your torso and a broken leg," Peter said lowly. He turned and walked away, retreating to his room. Tony watched him go. 


" God fucking dammit!" Peter screamed. He threw a barrage of punches at the punching bag he decided to vent upon. It wasn't long before the bag's chain snapped from the effort of standing against Peter's attack and the bag flew into the wall. 

Peter stood, slightly hunched over, and gazed at the damage he'd caused; to the bag and to his knuckles, and choked out a sob of frustration. 

He knew the Avengers cared for him, and wanted him to be safe. But they were refusing to let him do anything as Spiderman. They didn't even let him patrol outside of a very small area, where there wasn't even any crime to help stop. They didn't even let him do what he used to do as Spiderman, before he'd met them. 

What the hell was he supposed to do?


" It's okay, Peter. Just calm down. They just want to protect you, don't do anything rash," Peter whispered to himself, trying to calm down. He took deep, filling breaths, and let each of them out slowly. 

Peter decided to go relax and play video games for a while; focus on something else so he didn't try to start planning something stupid. 

For a while, it worked. Peter was focused on his game and taking out opponents. His eyes darted around, keeping an eye on his surroundings, and stopping any and all threats. 

---Terry says hi!---

When it was time, Peter headed to his room to suit up for patrol. It took all his strength to not break down again, knowing that it was just going to be another useless night wasted in a place where no one would need his help. 

Sighing heavily, Peter jumped out his window, swinging to his designated spot. Maybe focusing more on what he could do instead of what he couldn't do would help. 

Peter sat on a rooftop, waiting and listening. Karen's reach was only so far, and his 'patrol area' was so small that it fit perfectly with her reach. All he needed to do was sit and listen. He swore the Avengers did that on purpose, that way he wasn't swinging around and hopping roofs so much, because 'hopping roofs in the middle of the night is a great way to get yourself hurt.' Peter rolled his eyes. He could hear Tony trying to justify himself in his head. 

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