Ready For A Fight

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Hey everyone! This one shot will be based on a few of the lyrics from Alec Benjamin's "Boy In The Bubble." Hope you like it! Enjoy!

" Peter! Peter! Peter! PETER!!" Tony yelled, storming up the stairs to the common room of the Avengers Tower. Peter startled and leapt to his feet, materializing his web shooters.

" Mr. Stark! What's wrong, is someone attacking?!" Peter asked, looking around wildly. Tony panted, out of breath, but shook his head. 

" No! I got something to show you! Come on!" Tony dragged Peter down the metal steps. Thankfully, Peter was able to stay upright. Tony was moving at an incredibly fast pace. 

However, the effort and ache was worth it when he arrived in the open lab. As usual, tools were scattered on the floor and tables, but in the middle of the lab, with a space cleared away, was a huge red and blue plastic ball. It rested on a stand that kept it from rolling away, and it had several openings big enough for someone to crawl through. 

Peter's eyes widened comically wide, and Tony smirked, proud.

" You like it?" Tony asked. Peter turned to him slowly and stared at him. 

" How could I not! Let's go!" Peter shouted, and he beelined for the ball. Tony joined him. 

Soon, the pair of them were bouncing around inside the giant ball, along with Clint, who'd heard the chaos and wanted part in it. 

" Wanna know a cool thing about this?" Tony asked. Peter turned to him and nodded, still bouncing and doing flips. 

" This can actually be used for safety, so if we're ever in a pinch and we need a safe place, this is actually it," Tony said proudly. Peter grinned. 

" I'm the boy in the bubble," he joked. 

" Literally," Peter added. Tony rolled his eyes while Clint just chuckled. And so they resumed their bouncing. 

---Terry gives you a time skip---

Peter was walking to school, earbuds in, humming along, with Starbucks in hand. He'd left early enough this time, so Peter was able to take his sweet time walking. Mentally, he went over everything he had in his backpack, making sure he had what he needed for the day. 

Laptop? Check.

Charger for just in case? Check. 

Math homework? Check.

Chemistry homework? Check. 

ELA essay? Check. 

Science project he did at the very last possible moment? Check. He'd kill someone and/or himself if he forgot that. 

Satisfied, Peter finished the last stretch of the walk and walked into the school, arriving quickly at his locker. And he frowned. There was still a bloodstain from the last time Flash had slammed Peter's head into it. 

" Hey Parker!" Flash barked. Peter sighed, letting his head fall. Flash roughly shoved Peter into the lockers. Again. He slammed his fist into the other boy's face over and over, but not nearly hard enough to bruise. He didn't want to cause permanent damage. Yet. 

Peter had to get out of this. So quickly, he kicked his legs out, hitting Flash's knee, causing him to yelp in surprise and drop Peter, allowing the boy to breath and catch his breath. Flash sneered at him, and turned to the small crowd that had gathered.

" You see that? Puny Parker wants to fight back!" Flash declared. The crowd jeered at Peter. Flash smirked. 

" Puny, Penis Parker, thinks he can fight, now huh? What, your daddy give you 'martial arts' lessons? Oh I'm 'so' sorry, I forgot. He died. The man's dead! Probably went and offed himself so that he wouldn't have to deal with your puny ass," Flash declared, earning a good few laughs out of the crowd. Peter snarled and grabbed Flash's shirt collar, pulling the much shorter teen towards him. 

" You do not insult my father," Peter growled. Flash rolled his eyes and shoved Peter away. Peter allowed himself to be shoved. 

" Oh you really wanna fight, now don't you?" Flash asked tauntingly. Peter cracked his neck. He squared up. 

" I got no problem sending an asshole like you to the hospital. I got even less of a problem sending you to the morgue," Peter shrugged. The crowd 'oohed,' and Flash snarled. He couldn't let Parker win any of the crowd over. 

Peter could feel his heart pumping, blood roaring in his ears. Yeah, he'd fought criminals plenty of times, but this was Flash. The guy who'd bullied Peter for so long, long before he'd even been bitten. The bullying was all Peter had ever known. 

The air felt chilled. Peter almost thought he could see his breath. But it must've been his imagination. 

" I'm ready for a fight," Peter said lowly. Only Flash heard it, but he grinned devilishly. Peter shuddered. That grin was all too familiar. 

A small boy, barely 14, sat curled in on himself against a set of lockers. Six other boys surrounded him, kicking him, even though he was already on the ground begging them to stop. But they didn't. They beat him, even though he was already on the ground. 

Flash threw a left hook, catching Peter by surprise. Everyone heard an audible snap as Peter's nose broke. Thick, crimson red blood poured down his face, and Peter relished it. He titled his head back, a sick grin on his face. Flash saw this and instantly backed away, terrified for a brief moment. 

Peter, still grinning like a maniac, lunged forward, grabbed a hold of Flash's throat and threw the boy into the lockers. A resounding crash echoed through the hallways, and a couple innocent lockers were dented. 

" Why the hell are you smiling like that Parker?!" Flash demanded, still creeped out and scared. Peter only grinned wider. 

" I like the pain," he answered. Flash looked uncomfortable, but Peter paid no mind to it. 

They fought for a good long while, each scoring hits on each other. 

( " Peter, you've got to tell me why you're bruised black and blue!" Pepper demanded. Peter sighed. " I didn't want trouble. I'm the boy in the bubble. But then came trouble." He choked out.)

A sophomore laid on the floor, in so much pain he didn't want to move. There were blood smears on the tile, and a small pool of blood from where his mouth lay. He was unconscious. A figure with blood stained hands walked away, leaving the sophomore on the ground, in pain. 

" You can bet I'm still going to make you suffer. I'm not gonna stop beating your ass, Penis!" Flash declared loudly. Peter got the boy in a chokehold, and whispered to his ear. 

" After all these years... finally, you're the one who'll suffer," Peter said maniacally, laughing. He threw Flash to the ground. He slammed his foot into the boy's gut. 

" This is for every. Single. Fucking. Goddamn day that you made me suffer! Beat me so much I couldn't stand! Damaged me so much mentally that I was actually scared of you! I was scared of you Flash, and you fed on that!" Peter screamed at him. 

" Not anymore, dammit! I'm done being scared of you!" Peter yelled. Flash was bleeding and bruised. Peter hardly had a scratch on him, aside from the broken nose. He walked out of the school, his backpack hoisted over one shoulder, a hand on his nose, stemming the bleeding. 

I didn't want trouble.

I'm the boy in the bubble.

But then came trouble.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that! Feel free to leave a comment, but no pressure! 

Staay ghosty!

-Ghostie & Terry

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