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Hi everyone! And welcome to book 2! Whether you're just now finding this, or you're coming from the first book, either way welcome! I just have a few things I wanted to say before we get started!

First, requests are welcome and encouraged! If you have something you want to see written, just leave a comment or message me! I unfortunately can't promise I'll write all of them. I tried doing that and I got overloaded with a lot of requests and worked myself way too hard, so I'm trying to do better. But that isn't to say that it won't get written! I'm usually low on ideas, so requests hopefully will be the majority of this. I will also put a request page, but anytime you want to request something just put down wherever if you need to!

Second, there will be no sexual content here. I understand if that puts you off of this book, I know some people enjoy reading that type of thing. So I can guarantee that in this book there will be no:



-sexual references

-sex scenes

-sexual harassment

-sexual assault


Again, I understand if that causes you to not want to read this, and that's totally okay!

I have one more important thing I want to announce! This is a safe space for everyone! That includes people of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color and other nationalities, everyone. If there is any discrimination found in the comments it will be reported and deleted. I will tolerate a lot of things but the discrimination against minorities is not one of them. 

I know that last little bit sounded pretty stern, sorry for that, but it needed to be said ^.^

Without further ado, let's get onto the book!

Staay ghosty!

-Ghostie & Terry

Peter Parker One Shots (book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora