If Peter Was A Guardian ( Destiny 2)

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Hey guys! So this is going to tightly involve a lot of storyline and plot from the video game Destiny 2, so if you've never played this will be hard to understand. Hope you guys like it!

" Ah, there you are guardian!" Peter sat up slowly, looking skeptically at the floating orb in front of him. He felt dust in his hair, so he brushed it out, studying his hands as he did so. He took a deep breath. Then finally, he looked around at his surroundings. 

Rusted cars piled on top of each other. Yellowish grass underneath. A worn path leading to a rusted building. The alien sounds of screeching sounded in the background. And a floating, glowing orb in front of his face. Peter freaked, shrieked, and ran. 

Not looking where he was going, Peter was just determined to get away from whatever the hell that floaty thing was and whatever had made that alien sound. He ran right off a cliff. 

Ghost sighed and brought his guardian back. 

Peter looked down at his body, which he was sure had a stab wound just a few seconds ago. And he was pretty sure he had been dead. Peter freaked again. 

" Hey, hey, hey, don't run again! I need to talk to you!" Ghost cried out. Peter paused and narrowed his eyes skeptically. 

" You're not gonna kill me?" Peter asked. Ghost answered truthfully. No, he was not going to kill him. 

" Listen, this is going to be a lot to take in right away, I'll explain more once we're back in the City and you've spoken to the Vanguard. But you're a guardian now. A Hunter, to be precise. You'll protect the people of the Last City. Right now, we need to get you a gun and a ship and get out of here before the Fallen come crawling. They love sniffing out new guardians," Ghost muttered. 

" Hey, before we get going, what's your name?" Peter asked curiously. Ghost did his best imitation of a shrug. 

" Guardians usually give their ghosts a name. That's what I am. I'm your ghost," Ghost explained. Peter studied Ghost thoughtfully. 

" Tony. Tony-2," Peter nodded to himself. Tony nodded his, well, his whole body pretty much. 

" Okay. Let's get going. I don't want to be another one of those sad angsty ghosts complaining about a newly rezzed guardian getting eaten again," Tony-2 said. Peter nodded and followed wherever Tony led him. 


Peter made it out of the Cosmodrome alive. Which was a surprise to Tony. A lot of new guardians didn't make it out of there. Either getting overrun by Fallen and Hive, or their ghost wasn't able to get to them. 

He met the Vanguard, and quickly made good friends with Cayde-6, the Hunter Vanguard. Once Peter got more field experience, he started going out on missions with Cayde, saying he needed help on a mission, which gave Cayde the excuse he needed to get out of doing office work. 

Often times, they were found either partaking in or betting on Crucible and Gambit matches together. Peter was usually the one to get Cayde out of debt. 

" You need to start making sure you have the Glimmer to back up your bets, dammit Cayde," Peter nudged the other Hunter. Cayde laughed. 

" Hey! It's not my fault I forgot I had to make a payment to Banshee!" Cayde defended. Peter rolled his eyes. 

" Besides, you're always picking up Glimmer from scavengers, you're rich just from looting! And we're good friends, aren't we pal?" Cayde slung an arm around Peter's shoulders, aggressively scraping his knuckles against his skull at the same time.

" Cayde, Cayde, Cayde, stop it!" Peter whined. 

" All right, all right, New Light," Cayde teased. Peter groaned. 

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