I Just Wanted McDonalds

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Hey guys! This is a powerless Peter one shot, but he did train in like, martial arts or something so he knows what he's doing in a fight. Hope you enjoy!

The Blood Eagles. Said to be the ghost form of the victims of the blood eagle torture. But in their ghost form, their bodies were healed, the only sign they were ever tortured were the scars, and the blood red wings sprouting from their backs. And they were the newest terrorist threat. 


" Oh, a terrorist group this time. Haven't seen one of those in a while," Aunt May commented. Peter shrugged. 

" Yeah. I'm gonna go get food May, I'll be back in a little bit," Peter called out. He pulled his hoodie over his head and put on his shoes. Peter headed out the door, double checking to make sure he had his wallet. 

Peter was well on his way towards the nearest McDonalds when he heard the screeching of tires and the screaming of citizens. He turned around to see Hawkeye and Captain America fighting a member of the Blood Eagles. And everything he'd heard about these people were true. 

He was literally a ghost. Pale white and transparent, and no definable features. Huge crimson red wings sprouted from his back. The wingspan was at least thirteen feet. And Peter could clearly see a huge scar running vertically along the  ghost's back when he was turned. 

" Holy shit," Peter whispered. He turned around to see two more of the ghosts sneaking up behind the two Avengers that were too busy to notice. Peter took a deep breath and made a split second decision. 

With a battle cry, Peter ran up and threw a flying sidekick at the nearest ghost that was behind the Avengers. And so, he joined the fight. Captain America with his shield, Hawkeye with his bow, and Peter with only his fists. 

After Peter had joined in, the three defeated the ghosts that had engaged them, forcing the ghosts to wherever dead people were supposed to be. Captain America and Hawkeye ran off to join the rest of the Avengers, and Peter decided to follow them. There wasn't any harm in doing so, was there? 

Apparently there was. Because there were dozens of the ghosts literally everywhere. The Avengers were each fighting at least half a dozen of the ghosts single handedly. But Peter had helped out, and he was going to continue to help. He knew what he was doing, after all. 

Peter took on his own half dozen ghosts. What he didn't expect was for the ghosts to be able to talk. They didn't even look like they had mouths!

" And who are you?" One hissed. Peter ducked underneath a fist that had been aimed at his head. 

" You're certainly not an Avenger. You look like you're just a child," another spoke up. Peter scowled. 

" I'm not a kid!" He yelped after getting kicked in the arm. 

" I'm not an Avenger, I just saw what was going on and decided to join in! You're hurting innocent people trying to get to the Avengers!" Peter ducked again and swept his leg out, tripping a couple ghosts. 

" I don't know what your quarrel is with them, but if you could at least fight somewhere where you're not gonna hurt people or cause damage, that'd be great!" Peter exclaimed. There was a moment where no one spoke, merely continuing the fight. 

" We are beyond the worries of mortals! We don't care!" A ghost finally spoke up. Peter rolled his eyes. 

" You were mortal once," he mumbled under his breath. The ghost shrieked in anger and swiped his claws against Peter's face. 

" Ow! Asshole!" Peter cried out. He threw a left hook at that same ghost's head, knocking it out. After that, the fight became a lot easier. Peter quickly cleared out his half dozen ghosts and moved on to help the Avengers. 

Peter noticed Hawkeye was struggling a bit, so Peter took up a metal pipe that had fallen from somebody's roof and slammed it into a ghost's skull, knocking it unconscious. Hawkeye looked at him, slightly confused, but shrugged it off. Peter took that as a sign to just keep fighting, so he did. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity spent fighting, the ghosts were cleared out and Iron Man called the Avengers together. Peter, for whatever reason even he didn't know, followed Hawkeye and Black Widow as they moved to the spot Iron Man called them to. 

" We have a lead on the leader, we know where he is, so everyone get in the van!" Iron Man explained. The Avengers were piling up into the van when Hawkeye gestured him over. Peter didn't know if Hawkeye was just being funny or genuinely thought he was someone assigned to help them, but Hawkeye told Peter to get in the van. 

" O-okay, yeah," Peter said shakily. He got into the back of the van with the rest of the Avengers, minus Iron Man, who was driving. 


About a half hour later of driving, Black Widow spoke up. 

" Clint why is there a kid here?" She asked dangerously. 

" Not a kid," Peter grumbled before he could stop himself. 

" Wait we've got a kid? What the hell Barton?!" Iron Man called from the front. 

" Again, not a kid," Peter whined. Clint paled. 

" Well I guess I was caught up with the whole fight and thought S.H.I.E.L.D had sent him to like, help us or something, I don't know," Hawkeye said sheepishly. So Black Widow turned to him.

" Why'd you listen to him and get in?" Natasha asked. Peter shrugged. 

" He's like, a trained assassin or something who could shoot my eye out from half a mile away, I wasn't about to not listen to him," Peter explained. 

" Why were you even near the fight?" She asked. Peter sighed. 

" I was just getting food," he grumbled. 

" And then you got roped into the fight?" Black Widow asked skeptically. 

" Yep."

" I just wanted McDonalds, dammit," Peter whined. From the front, Tony burst out laughing. 

" Kid I don't care who your parents are, we're keeping you!" Tony announced. 

" A'ight bet, my parents are dead anyway."

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed that! Kind of lost whatever the hell I was doing, but y'know... I dunno lol Feel free to leave a comment, but no pressure!

Staay ghosty!

-ghostie & Terry

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