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I shouldn't let these thoughts take control of me. It's been years since I came to this room, did they throw my stuff out or is it still there? Curiosity took the best of me and as I began searching, I found a box near the corner of the room. I wonder why they didn't throw the blighted box away.

"Miss Kim, can I come in?" Nanny's voice echoed through the room. She must've noticed that I didn't quite eat anything and so she had brought food for me. "You didn't have to, I lost my appetite. You heard everything didn't you?". She didn't say anything, instead, she kept the tray of food on my table and bowed to me but before leaving she turned to me and asked me if I was going to stay over tonight. I told her that I have to leave but she told me that I shouldn't drive at night. It's better to leave than stay here with my stepbrother. But I really would like to spend some time with nanny. 

"Would you sleep with me like you used to do back in the old days if I stayed?" I asked her and I knew she would agree. She told me she'll be back in some time after getting some work done. Once she left, I quickly locked the room and decide to take a bath though I'll have to wear the same clothes again.

After bathing with no soap and literally no shampoo but istg I was super glad that I found a towel hanging there, who knows for how many years. I dried myself and came out of my room. Nanny has still not returned so I decided to open up the box. Sitting on the floor, I  pulled the box closer to me but shit, it was full of dirt that I started sneezing.

Opening up the box, the first thing I found was the photo I had taken on my graduation day. I wasn't one of those girls who were confident enough to slay in individual photos then. When my ex-boyfriend came up to me to snap a single photo, I just stood there, like a playschool kid posing for their School ID card photo. Keeping it aside, I found a photo of my parents kissing each other while my father was holding the baby me in his arms. I can clearly see how he looks at my mother with love and affection. What changed him for the worst?. Then I saw a tiny broken bead bracelet that I used to wear as a kid. It was made by my mother and broken by my stepbrother.

"Miss y/n, are you sure you want me to sleep with you?" Nanny asked me from the other side of the locked door. Without saying anything, I got up and let her come into my room. She was quite embarrassed for sleeping on the same bed with me since it has been years since she did that. After convincing her we prepared ourselves for bed. We were talking to each other about random things and she shared memories of how lovely I was as a kid until I completely confined myself to my room suddenly. I can never tell her why, she'll never be able to see me the same way after knowing that. I tried to change the subject and asked her to tell me a story that she always used to before I went to college. I don't know when I fell asleep but one thing I know is, it's been years since I had a peaceful sleep like that. 

Hearing the buzzing of my phone, I woke up quickly and attended the call without even checking the ID as I didn't want nanny to wake up. It was a spam call, nothing much. Truecaller is of no use. Feeling thirsty I decided to go down to drink some water. It was almost 2 am and so I thought it would be safe for me to go get some water? turns out I was really wrong.

Climbing down the stairs, I took the turn to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to grab some cold water. It was raining very badly outside, why does it smell so nice when it rains?

"Is my baby girl thirsty in the middle of the night?"

Tysm for 100 reads♥️✋.

SLUT||JJK✖️Y/NTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang