Cheers rang out among: the king had joined the battle! Thorin quickly fought his way to Dain's side where he and Dain clasped hands warmly.

"It's about time you showed up," Dain exclaimed jovially. Thorin grimaced,

"I am sorry my friend, I was not myself, but I am here now."

*    *    *

The women of Lake Town stood about in the bell tower, worried and afraid for those they loved who were still out there somewhere. Suddenly, a figure burst in through the ceiling and landed in a heap.

In moments, the women had formed a threatening circle, some wielding swords they'd filched off dead orcs. From the dust, appeared a small, female hobbit in an oversized, pointy hat.

"Who are you?" demanded one of the women in a strong voice.

Nora was blinking and looking about, still disoriented from her fall. However, she perked up at the question.

"I AM BRYONY THE XANADU WIZARD!!!" she exclaimed, waving about her wizard stick. At that point, several of the women cried out in recognition and everyone quickly relaxed.

"And how came you to fall through the roof?" asked one.

"TWAS A NOBLE TALE! I WAS—" Nora broke off, a confused look growing on her face. "You know, actually, I'm not totally sure... I was looking for Gandalf, so I decided to try out this levitation spell. Technically its not supposed to be used on the person casting it, but no one's ever tried it. It was working rather well, until it stopped. And then I fell through the roof. Which hurt, by the way."

The women exchanged looks of mixed confusion and amusement at the hobbit wizard's antics.

"What are you all doing here?" Nora asked looking about.

"Bard sent us here," said the first women, stepping forward, "in order to protect us."

"Oh..." Nora thought for a moment. "Well wouldn't you rather be doing something useful?"

"Like what?"

"Fighting, helping the wounded, I don't know, there's plenty to be done in the middle of a battle. Heck, one of you could start working on an epic ballad in order to record all that happens... on second thought, maybe wait on that. That wouldn't be very helpful right now."

"But Bard ordered us to stay here," one of the women pointed out. Nora made an exasperated noise.

"Do you always let men boss you around?"


"Then if you want to help, go help. Fight for you home."

The women looked at each other, determined looks on their faces.

"We must go and help our men," one of them said firmly. Many nodded in agreement, but some looked unsure.

"If they die, we will have to fight anyway, and I would rather die than live with the knowledge I did nothing while some laid down their lives for me." The doubtful ones exchanged glances, but slowly their faces too took on a look of purpose.

"Then we are decided?" asked one woman.

"Aye! We will stand together and fall together!" a cry came and others soon took it up. Makeshift weapons were grabbed as they quickly prepared to leave.

One older women approached a female all huddled up on a low stool in the corner.

"Are you coming?" asked the older women, gently grabbing the lady's shoulder.

The lady tried to shrug off the kind hand, replying in a strained voice, "No I think I'll stay here, thank you."

"Nonsense, come along!" The older women jerked more incessantly, causing the stool to tip and disposing the lady from her perch onto the floor. A cry was followed by a string of curses in an all too familiar voice.

The noise earned the attention of Nora and the other women who approached in time to see Alfrid, his bosom spilling gold coins, right himself angrily and glare at the elderly woman.

"Oh hello Alfrid," said Nora cheerily.

"Hello yourself," he retorted in an unpleasant tone. The women recovered from their shock.

"You coward!" exclaimed one. Alfrid sniffed.

"Not all of us were made to fight."

Nora eyed his dress before slowly replying, "Clearly. Well, if it's any consolation, I'd say you win the prize for most character development."

Alfrid stuck his nose in the air, ignoring the women who, after much disgusted head shaking, turned and began to exit. As they found themselves in the town square, the women faltered momentarily, unsure where to go.

Nora, seeing their hesitation grinned comfortingly at them.

"If you're looking for your men, I saw them that way. Just follow the noise! Now, I must be off to find Gandalf, but good luck!" With that, she left, on foot this time, quickly disappearing in the maze of streets.

The army of women turned where she had pointed and began to move quickly, ready to battle for their homes and their loved ones for themselves.

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