Been a while... (sorry)

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Hi guys so I just want to start off by saying that I'm so incredibly sorry about not being able to update you for a while but I was really busy and also I wanted to give you all a more meaty part this time around so that way you wouldn't have to check back every single day.

But quite a lot has happened haha, I've pretty much just stayed inside for the past 3 days doing nothing but eating haha and I don't know if my body just naturally has a really slow metabolism or what because I weighed myself this morning and I got up to 198, so chances are if I eat then I'll be a part of the 200 club haha, which feels pretty damn bonkers.

Also my belly makes so much more noise now haha, like I can literally almost always hear it grumble lol, and hunger pains start to feel a whole lot worse, like, I'm never really hungry in the day hell I'm usually really full but when I wake up I feel on the verge of tears sometimes, idk if this is caused by the amount my stomach has expanded or what.

Also my sister's gotten bigger too haha I mean, this could just be a coincidence but whatever I still think it's kinda funny.

Anyway, have a good one folks, I'll try to update more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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