So, it turns out that my mum was more annoyed than expected.

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Yeah, so you know how I thought that she wasn't that mad... she was pretty mad haha.

She basically forced us to go outside for a full two hours to "get some exercise", I only just got back now, although she made one fatal flaw.

She gave us £20 for lunch!

Now that might not sound like a lot and to be honest it wasn't really, or at least it wouldn't have been in most places.

But that £20 (£40 in total) can get you loads in mcdonalds, and neither of us were in much mood for running I mean, walking 15 minutes had us literally panting lol so we just kinda sat inside mcdonalds eating for an hour.

Now after we'd eaten all that we could we realised that she probably wanted us to buy something with that money too, not just eat it all (she wante us to exercise after all) so we bought 2 mood rings for barely anything and we just said that they were really expensive haha.

I mean, I dont think that my sister's a feedee I just think that she is stupidly hungry all the time lol but hey I'm fine with that, I'd get lonely otherwise.

Oh also, please ask any questions in the comments, I'll answer them if any are put there so don't feel shy lol and remember, there are no dumb questions, as my teacher would say because I do understand that most of you probably aren't living the same lifestyle as me.

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