So, something unexected happened.

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Seeing as how I didn't update yesterday it seems like the universe wants to force me to update you twice haha.

So apparently we were supposed to go to my granny's house today even though I had completely forgotten about it but hey I thought, it'll be fun.

Now my granny is one of those old people who just makes waaaaay too much food, as in she makes roughly 3,000 calories worth per person, it's honestly pretty dumb for quite a few people.

But still you know, I managed to finish most of it but my shirt kept on rolling up afterwards lol, it got to the point where I stopped trying to pull it back down and just let it be a crop top.

Now my sister finds this pretty funny, but she's also kinda jealous because she always whines about being only 170 lol, so I won this one. Oh and safe to say my granny was happy lol, said I was a growing girl, if only she knew how true that was.

Good job I went there now rather than when I'm bigger though, older chairs aren't really built for more modern people because they were creaky AF.

Anyway, that should be enough craziness for one week lol, have a good weekend everyone.

EDIT: so I responded to someone's comment saying that I probably wouldn't weigh myself for a while, but that 183 measurement was from about a month ago when we first got the scale and I decided that having an accurate starting point would be good for all of you guys, I know it isn't technically a strarting point but oh well, close enough. And I'm currently 192 for those curious, and it really does make me happy that this is pretty normal now, because I don't have to worry about being "weird" anymore.

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