My possessive alpha

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One male omega in his 20's was pulling his luggage from his alpha mate who was sulking at him.and their 5 years old alpha son is watching him with his big Bambi eyes.

"Jungkook....leave my taxi is here...i have to go...try to understand."

"Tae.... don't go...i will be alone here...i will take you there myself when i will be free."

" knew i am not going with my will...and they don't want me to visit there for 4 to 5 hours...they want me there for atleast 1 week...and baby you know i don't went there for staying with them once after our parents and sibling missed me...and my mother is sick so i have to go to meet her.....please understand."

Jungkook leave his bag and nodded with a pout.

"Okay...but you will call me daily and will take care of yourself and bun .... Promise".

" taxi is here please help me load the laggage."

"Okay...but first let me scent you and bun"

Jungkook pulled Taehyung to himself and put his nose on his scenting gland and scent him...he did that with his son too."

"Now happy my possessive alpha...hmmm."

Jungkook nodded. And Taehyung kiss him goodbye.

Jungkook load the luggage in taxi and glare at the driver...driver was a beta he got scared and gulped hard."

"Take them to their destination safely...or else." He said in deep voice and the beta driver nodded in fear.


Taehyung reached to his parents home but before he take one foot in his parent's home his phone rang he picked it up while entering " kook i reached.... don't worry ... I am fine."

"Good...i was just worried i didn't like how that beta was looking at you." Jungkook on the phone.

"Kook why are you so... possesive...huh...that poor boy didn't even uttered a word to me and never glance at me."

" are so innocent.... you found everybody poor except me."

"Yeah because you are a devil my possessive cut the call i didn't met parents yet....bye..."


After two days

In these two days jungkook call tae every 2 hours and tell him that he missed him...he said he can't eat...can't sleep but he didn't wanted to tae to feel bad...he wanted tae to enjoy his stay at his parents...they talked for hours at night.

Taehyung have two younger sister one beta (Sana) and one omega (sumi).both are mated Sana with a beta and sumi with a alpha. One day three of the  siblings were sitting in the living room and talking about their mated life.

"I just had it with koo...he is just so possesive .... Sometimes his possessiveness scared me..." Tae said.

"I wish my mate would be possesive about me.....he didn't mind if someone flirts with me he just said it's a society and we had to polite to people." Sana said.

"You.... don't know Sana...he didn't go on possesive mode when someone flirts with me infront of him......he just go on his possesive mode when someone even glance at me...okay I'll give you an example....okay so we went to see a movie on our movie when movie finished...we were stepping out of the theater...then i saw a car keys on the steps but i didn't picked it up...coz you know we had taught in childhood don't touch unknown things...but when i stepped down more...i find a man searching something like someone snatch his kidney and he was finding it or having a heart attack for i understand that he is the owner of that car i just went to him and said...'did you lost your car keys ' he nodded so i told him where i find it..and he go there to find will not believe what kook said to me...he said ' why you talk to him...if you wanted to help him just tell me i had told don't know are so innocent for this world... someone should take advantage of your innocence.' I just blinked at him in disbelief"

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