35 - As Stubborn As Stubborn Can Be

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I close the book, making a slight thud sound before I look up for the first time in five hours. I finished the book. It was good, I must say, I'll have to talk to Asher about it when he comes back here and tell him to bring more books once I've finished the other three he bought.

There's still nothing to do and I'm so goddamn bored, I could pull my eyebrow hairs out just for some sort of amusement at this point.

The doctor said that I can go for little walks so If I just walk around the compound a little, It wont hurt right?

Surely it can't and I won't run or start fighting someone spontaneously so I should be fine. After all if I can go through toucher and come out the other side I must be able to take a little walk.

I just can't sit here anymore, I'll die and that's coming from someone that nearly just died so I know what it takes and trust me, another hour of this and I'll be long gone.

I peel the covers back from legs which exposes the bandages and bruises on them. There are more around my body but like I've said already, I don't mind scars or bandages, it just proves how tough I am and how much it will take to kill me.

There's a little piece of me thats sad to see them but I push it down and slowly swing my legs over the side of the bed before I get up, using my arms to lift the rest of my body up.

It takes me a few seconds to get my balance and take a few steps but by the time I've passed the flowers and cards on the end of my bed, I'm almost walking normally.

I stagger to the door and turn the handle until the door clicked before pulling it open.

It took me to a plain white and light blue waiting room with chairs lined up at the back wall. It feels weird to be standing, like my legs haven't been used in century's, like they were put on a shelf years and years ago and they've just been taken off and over the years they've collected dust and the dust has yet to be blown off.

They're shaking and wobbling and it takes most of my strength to stay up plus the support from the door frame I'm now leaning on.

I can't make it back to the hospital bed so the most I can do is either go forward or stay here and most likely collapse so I take a deep breathe and try to take a step forward.

But before my other foot can move to catch up with the first, my leg gives in and I start falling. I'm having déjà vu because once again, I'm falling. So far and for so long. I'm about to hit the floor and I put my hands out to try and break my fall but before I can reach the cld and hard surface, I stop falling.

It's like I'm caught on a cloud and I start floating. 

"God, Nova what were you thinking, are you okay?"

I don't reply, I don't know what's happening and before I can even try and guess, I'm lifted.

It's him.

It's him

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