Oh! This is going to be fun. Mr-- Uh-huh!! Not now.

I smiled widely and started walking towards the now frowning Pandav Brother's, along with Dhanvik who was trailing behind me.

I stopped right infront of the Pandavas and smiled widely at the eldest Pandav.
Who was gazing at me in confusion.

You shouldn't be confused just yet, Mr Zebra.( Yes ,this is going to be his name from now on,He didn't wanted the respect, so yeah!!) There is so much more to come.
I didn't even start anything apart from smiling.

I glanced at Dhanvik,who was giving stink eye to the Pandavas, I smirked at his reaction.
He knows me well.


"I shouldn't call names.. hmm, you are a genius Prince Yudhishthir." I started speaking, while smiling so sweetly that it would put that flying pig's diabetic smile into shame. While Dhanvik gave me a look of disbelief.

Calm down Dhanvik, Calm down.
I motioned him from my eyes, and much to my own surprise he nodded back at me.

Mr Zebra's frown deepened after hearing my words. His Brother's smiled after hearing me complementing their favourite Zebra.

"Prince Yudhishthir I came across a rumour about you, it said that you never lie... Is that for real or its just another baseless rumour?" I sweetly questioned him,while slightly widening my eyes,to show my non-existent curiosity.

Before Mr Zebra can even open his mouth, his Brother Ape (yeah the one and only Bheem) answered on his behalf.

"Yes, it's absolutely right, my Jesht never lies, he follows Dharma and he never ever committed any Adharma and he never lied. He is a-"

"I got my answer Prince Bheem, thank you so much for answering on behalf of your lovely Jesht." I sarcastically remarked with a wide smile.
He gave me his goofy grin and nodded his head as if I was complementing him.
I internally snikerd at that.

While Intelligent fool just stared at me in confusion. Hmmm, he noticed the change in my tone, so did the Zebra.

"So what is truth according to you Prince Yudhishthir?" I questioned him genuinely interested this time.

His face was as calm as the serene atmosphere. His lips twitched in an almost invisible smile which disappeared in a blink. I internally rolled my eyes at that.

What was the need for that smile anyway?

He was about to open his mouth when I cut him off.
You don't get to talk, unless I want you to.

"Can I answer this according to what I think? " I asked Mr Zebra with a smile.
My cheeks are going to hurt a lot after this.

He nodded his head in affirmation and his face held amusement.
Oh! No,no, you won't be amused after this.

Ok Then, Mr Sathya Harish Chandra's favourite person in the whole world.
Let's go...
Side step right left to my beat..

Ah!! Oops !!
I wasn't supposed to sing Butter (BTS) in my mind.
Ugh!! I miss everyone....

"Truth means being honest no matter what the situation is. To say the exact true statement about what happened and similar things like that. Am I atleast right Prince Yudhishthir?" I asked him sweetly too sweet for my liking. I don't know how that flying pig acts like this , almost always. Yuck!!

Zebra smiled his signature miniscule smile.

"Yes, you are right Princess Adhvika, to stay honest in every situation and in short not lying. Truth can never be hidden, it always comes out in one or the other way. Truth is way deeper, yet so simple. " Mr Zebra exclaimed brilliantly and as calmly as ever.

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