What happend to you?

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azawa picked up Todoroki and carried him out of the forest and bakugou directed him to there cabin

bakugou: we can lay him down in here and find out what happend it was Probably him being tired it didn't look like he slept last night

azawa: ok can i leave him with you

bakugou: of course i will check his body as well to see how bad his injurys are

azawa: yes please do

azawa left the boys.  bakugou removes shotos shirt to reveal all the scars but none looked new a few bruises but nothing untill bakugou looks at his arm and sees the blooded bandages around them and he slowly and carefully knowing what was under the bandages after a struggle to get them off bakugou is faced with a bloody mess bakugou ran to the bathroom and got a first aid kit he got back and disinfected Todorokis arms and made sure they had stoped bleeding before puting new bandages on them he then went out side to let azawa know what happend

azawa: bakugou, how it Todoroki

bakugou: he passed out from blood loss...

azawa: oh

bakugou: yeah no one knew because he covered it up even tho he knew he shouldn't of trained
He is resting up now

azawa:i should of been keeping a closer eye on him

bakugou: you couldn't of done Anything so quit blaming yourself

azawa: your right sorry

bakugou: i going to check up on Todoroki again

azawa: ok

bakugou went back in and was surprised to see an awake Todoroki he looked confused

bakugou: what are you doing up?!

Todoroki: i Don't know but what happend why am i here

bakugou: you passed out babe from blood loss if you were struggleing you should of told me i am here for you so Don't mess with me like that i thought you weren't going to wake up it - it scared me

Todoroki: i- i im sorry i d-didn't mean t-to

bakugou: it's ok calm down your safe now you don't need to worry. Can you tell me what happend? Don't worry if not though i am sure you Don't want to talk about it

Todoroki: it's ok i just felt kind of sick the idea of doing training scared me and it still does a bit i just can't stop thinking about him i had a dream last night... It was him he wouldn't stop shouting and i woke up in a mess then i couldn't help it i needed to be sick so i threw up untill i couldn't anymore and cut until i was covered in blood...

bakugou: oh Todoroki i am sorry that i wasn't there for you i should of been

Todoroki: i suppose but at least your here now

bakugou: yeah. I love you sho ok and i never want you to feel like you did so please promise me you will tell me when you do

Todoroki: yeah i will try my best

bakugou: thank you

Hey i am so sorry for not updateing my mental health has been terrible lately and omg the atention this is getting to everyone that is Actually reading this thank you <3


540 words

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