A bit stressed

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After everyone was finished eating they went back to there cabins to rest

bakugou: i can't believe he didn't tell us about the training

Todoroki: yeah.ahh!

bakugou:you ok your a bit quite

Todoroki: i am fine Don't worry about pop! Me

bakugou: ok then but just know you can always talk to me i Don't want you to bottle up your feelings

Todoroki: thanks i guess i am quite
stressed about ah a few things

bakugou: whats on your mind?

Todoroki: recently i have been having pretty bad nightmares about my father and other things...

bakugou: and you didn't tell me why?

Todoroki: i didn't want to worry You

bakugou: so what happends in these nightmares?

Todoroki: there is my fa-father and he hits me and my mother was poring hot w-water then i see myself in the mir-mirror...

Todoroki starts to panic a bit and tears prick his eyes

bakugou: sho what happends next

Todoroki: i would stare at myself then i would grab a b-blade from the sink and i-i would c-ut my-myself... Fuck! Ah.

bakugou: sho it's ok calm down you need to slow your breath
breath in ok and out thank you for telling me i am so sorry that those nightmares happend

Todoroki: ah i-its ok but thanks for. Pop! listening

bakugou: no problem sho

They hug for a bit Todoroki still calliming down but after a while
They both get into ther beds and try to rest still chatting a bit

bakugou: is it ok for me to ask how long have you been hurting yourself?

Todoroki: as long as i can remember realy

bakugou: do you still do it

Todoroki: yeah. There are points that i need too i can't control it or i just want something to you know feel ok i suppose

bakugou: oh ok i kind of get it

Todoroki: yeah it's like the pills have done too much

bakugou: yeah by the way i just want you to know i am always here and also just if you need to do it i can't stop you just be safe ok? well i am so tired i am going to try to sleep but let me know if you need me just poke me or something

Todoroki: ok and thank you for understanding

bakugou: of course it's the least i can do

Hello a bit short this one but i hope you enjoyed also thank you so much for the support i did not expect this to be liked by so many people


434 words

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