Court day

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Todoroki pov:
i woke up today knowing what had to happen of course i didn't want to go but i knew i had to then he wont be able to be my life anymore i had finished my letter and description of the things he did to me it was hard to do but kat helped he knows everything about my past but i guess thats a good thing because now he can help me with things And he knows my triggers So he can let me know if something is going to happen. I realy love kat he is so good to me but i feel i Don't do enough for him

After being deep in thought for a bit i snaped out of it when My phone rang it was kat.

bakugou:hey sorry if i woke you lovely just wanted to check up on you

Todoroki:hey yeah i just woke up so your good and are you coming to court with me?

bakugou: yeah Don't worry i won't make you go though that by yourself

Todoroki: thank god ok

bakugou: how long do you think until you will be ready?

Todoroki: a few minutes should be fine

I felt the need of pain and tryed not to grab a blade while on the phone

bakugou: ok the-

Todoroki: i have to go bye!



i opend my draw and grabbed one of the blades and ran to the bathroom. i sat on the floor After locking the door i brought it and put it against my skin and made some cuts. i am sorry kat i have to it's too hard.just a few cuts-

Bang! Bang! Bang!

bakugou: sho! Are you ok!

Todoroki: i-i im fine!

bakugou: i am coming in!

Todoroki:NO! i-i mean ah stop,no

bakugou bursts in and then through the bathroom door too and see's Todoroki sitting down with blood on his arms. He ran up to him and hugged him

bakugou: oh sho,sho why? I am sorry i know it's hard but please Don't cut.

Todoroki: i-i fuck off i am sorry i couldn't stop i just couldn't i said only a few because i needed it i am sorry i am so stupid

bakugou: no,no your not stupid.Sho i am sorry it's Not your falt it's that flaming trash he made you feel so bad i hate that you had to go through that.

Todoroki: b-but i did this to myself

bakugou: but you didn't cause your pain in the start you didn't purposely put yourself through that stuff it was him. Ok?

Todoroki: i-i guess so haa!


an hour went by and Todoroki had cleaned up and got ready bakugou didn't leave his room So he would be more comfortable

Todoroki pov still:

bakugou and i stayed together until azawa came to my room to take us.

azawa: good morning To the both of you


i just nodded my head

azawa:ready to go then?

bakugou: i think so yeah

he said looking at me i again just nodded. We all got into azawa's car and headed to court. When we got there i started to tic loads and i started to shake a bit i looked over at bakugou to notify him he realised  and held my hand trying to comfort me  i stoped shaking but i was still ticcing more than usual

bakugou: it's ok sho i will keep you safe he won't be able to touch you

Todoroki: o-ok Ah!

azawa: yeah Don't worry kid he will be in hand cuffs oh and i needed to give you these

azawa hands Todoroki noise cancelling headphones

Todoroki: what for?

azawa: for if he shouts or it gets a bit much just put them on and they will make things quieter

Todoroki:oh Ok,thanks

They all go into the court room and endever was sitting there shouting about how he was number 1 and that he shouldn't be restrained it scared me. He was sitting right there he was going to shout at me. bakugou put the headphones over my ears i think he notest my discomfort.


The judge shushed him and we walked in


i flinched when he spoke to me. bakugou held my hand to reassure me. He was realy loud it stressed me out but i tryed my best throughout. i found it hard to say some things and i needed to have some small breaks the worst part was that he continued to shout things to me about my Sexuality and how being gay was wrong and he didn't care about me but i knew already that he didn't Realy care my whole life he didn't like me or my siblings he has some issues and he doesn't know how to raise children so he ruined our lifes and just for someone to over come him and allmight yeah i will do that but not for him for myself.

The court case went on for a while i can't realy remember the exact time

(i know it takes loads of time but i am makeing it only one trial because i am lazy)

at the end of a very draining court case endever was found guilty of child abuse and rape. He was going to prison and will stay in there for a very long time...

Yay He went to jail!
i am sorry for not updating for a while i have been very unmotivated but i am feeling better now i even started a new story it's about a ship i like from seven deadly sins i would love you to Check it out:) byeee


969 words

Todobaku (Todoroki has Tourette's)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz