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bakugou opens the class room door and walks in Todoroki stayes just outside the door so no one Could see him. bakugou got a lot of looks from his classmates but at this point he couldn't care less he walked up to azawa and quietly said to him

bakugou: i need to talk to you it's about shoto and its quite important and it needs to be as soon as posible

azawa: ok i will be out as soon as i can i will get mic to takeover todays lesson i want you to got to my office and wait there i shouldn't take too long

bakugou: ok i will take him now

bakugou left the room

azawa to the class: something has just come up present mic will be doing this leson with you i apologize but i need to go now

Iida: ok sensei Don't worry about us


bakugou and Todoroki walked down the halls of ua the school they had to try  so hard to get into and bakugou started to wonder why Exactly he came to this school. They walked in silence untill Todoroki spoke up

Todoroki: umm Bakugou ahh i am sorry...

Bakugou: for what sho you haven't done Anything wrong

Todoroki: i just always feel like a burden to everyone

bakugou: well you are very important to me and lots of others and i love every bit of you your not a burden sho

Todoroki: i love you kat

bakugou: and i love you too silly


bakugou and Todoroki both go into azawa's office a few minutes later azawa came in

azawa: ok so i am here now sorry if i took too long

bakugou: it's fine your here now

azawa: right ok what did you need to speak about

bakugou: it's about Todoroki And his home environment

bakugou holds Todoroki's hand lightly

azawa: is it to do with them finding out about your tics

bakugou: i geuss that is a facter but even before this too. Well endever has been abusing shoto for most of his life if i remember correct it started when you turned 5?

Todoroki: yeah...

azawa: ok so what does he do Todoroki?

Todoroki: well he hits me umm fuck! oh i am sorry-

azawa: it's ok so he hits you Anything else

Todoroki: well he burns me with his quirk, punches me,cuts me that kind of stuff and he calls it training. He has also umm he has raped me a few times aswell

azawa: thankyou for telling me this Todoroki i am glad you could open up to me and i am so very sorry you had to go though that

Todoroki: it It's fine

a few tears drop from Todoroki's multi-coloured eyes bakugou wipes it away and squeezes his hand a bit bringing Todoroki back to earth

azawa: i just have one question Todoroki were is your mother it says she is alive did she leave?

Todoroki :No she didn't Exactly leave umm when i was 4 my mother went a bit crazy and she thought my fire side reminded her of enji and she couldn't bare to see it so she poured boling hot water onto my face and then enji sent her away to some sort of hospital

azawa: oh ok i understand is that were u got your scar then?

Todoroki: yes

azawa:ok then thanks again for trusting me with this infomation i will come up with a plan of action and if you want both of you can take a few days off school and stay in the doorms if you would like to

bakugou: yeah but before we do Anything you sho have to go to the nurses office to heal any wounds you have still

Todoroki: i guess your right kat lets head there now

bakugou: ok see you sir

bakugou and Todoroki walk out the room and to the nurses room still holding hands and when they arive Todoroki gets healed but instantly falls into a peaceful sleep So bakugou carries him to his room and rests him on his bed and tucks him in bakugou kisses his forehead and heads to his own room

Hello i am unsure what is going to happen next episode thing bit i will soon Hopefully and merry early Christmas guys

See you

725 words

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