Bonus! Chapter 51: The Note

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Dear Peter,

I tried. I really did. But I couldn't do it anymore.

I wished I would have met you sooner, before I started cutting. Maybe then I would have been able to get better.

But, getting better is harder than it sounds.

I would have loved to grow old with you. Get married and have a few kids down the line.

But all of that, just like getting help, is easier said than done.

I want you to know that I had to do this. I would have just weighed you down.

Go to MIT, Pete. Live your life. Don't lose yourself, I'm in a better place now. I'm happier.

You, May, Ned, and MJ, were the best things that happened to me. In a way, you saved me. Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't met you guys.

Do what you want with my sketches. They were mainly all for you anyway.

Tell May, Ned, and MJ, that I love them.

I love you, Peter.

Forever and always.



Here's a bonus chapter!

Now this is actually the end of this story. Technically the last chapter was supposed to be the end, and I already had this story marked as complete and finished for a month or so now.

But, I got the idea to include this while I was in the shower. In fact, I'm pretty sure all my good ideas (and my bad ideas) come from my dumb ass thoughts in the shower.

Thank you so much for reading! Sorry if the writing is shit.

Forever and AlwaysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora