Chapter 4

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The next few weeks went by pretty quickly. Y/n and I grew pretty close and she came over a few more times. She still never talked about her family or homelife whatsoever and I was starting to worrry a bit.

I reentered my room after taking a shower. My phone started buzzing on my night stand as I pulled on a pair of sweatpants. I walked over and picked it up, Y/n's face lighting up on the screen. I answered her FaceTime call and smiled. However, my smile faltered and once I got a good look at her.

She had blood running down the side of her face, a black eye, and a busted lip. She was running down a dimly lit street with tears falling from her eyes.


"Y/n, what's happening? Where are you?" I asked quickly.

"I-I don't know."

"Hold on, I'm tracking your phone. Stay on the phone and keep talking to me."

I tracked her phone and her location popped up. I grabbed my bookbag and pulled on a shirt before throwing it over my shoulder and running out the front door.

"I'm on my way, Y/n! Hold on!"

I really wish I had my webshooters right now. They got damaged while fighting some bozo trying to steal an ATM.

I ran down the street and into oncoming traffic as I approached Y/n's location.


"Hang on! I'm coming as fast as I can! I'm a minute away!" I yelled and turned the corner, running into an alley towards Y/n.

I hung up the call and shoved my phone into my pocket as I knelt down beside her. She had her knees pulled to her chest with her elbowx resting on them and her hands were on her head, pulling on her hair as sobs slipped from her mouth.

I cautiously placed a hand on her shoulder and she flinched, jumping back.

"No! Get away from me!" She shouted.

"Hey, it's okay! Y/n, its me, Peter!" I held up my hands and she looked up to me, realizing it was me and letting out a breath.

I moved closer and pulled her shaking body to mine, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and resting one of my hands on the back of her head. She cried into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my torso.

"Shhhhh. You're safe now." I spoke softly.

She tightened her grip around my waist in response.

I let her cry into my shirt for a couple minutes before I pulled away and ran my hands up and down her forearms. I pulled away, now taking into account the large cut across her shoulder.

"You're freezing. Here." I pulled my hoodie from my bag and handed it to her.

Her hands shook as she took it from me and pulled it over her head. I carefully stroked my thumbs underneath her eyes and wiped away her tears as she sniffled.

I brushed her hair from her face and she winced. I frowned and appologized before drawing my hand from her face and pushing my bookbag onto the ground beside me. I opened it and grabbed out the small medical kit I had in there for when I got hurt while fighting a bad guy as Spiderman or when Flash decided it would be a good idea to bust my lip open by bashing his fist into my head.

I pulled out the gauze from the kit and wrapped it around the gash on her shoulder. I moved onto the cuts and bruises on her face, cleaning them off and bandaging them up until she could get them stitched up. She winced as I placed my hand on her leg to concentrate on cleaning the gash across her face.

I looked down to her leg and removed my hand, revealing her blood stained and ripped pantleg and a deep stab wound just above her knee. I carefully cut her pants around the wound and took off my shirt, tying it around her leg a few inches above the deep cut. Once I finished cleaning and aiding what wounds I could, I placed the med kit back into my bag and flung it over my shoulder.

"You can't walk with a stab wound. I'm going to have to carry you." I informed.

She nodded and I tucked one of my arms under her legs, being careful of the injured one, and placed my other one on her back before standing, picking her up as I did. She let out a tired groan and loosely placed her arms around my neck, flopping her head into my bare chest and falling unconscious. I walked back to my place as quickly as I could without hurting Y/n anymore than she already was.

We arrived at mine and May's apartment a few minutes later. I knocked on the door with my foot since I was unable to unlock it with Y/n in my arms. May opened the door, instant worry and concern showing on her face as I walked in.

"What happened?! Is she okay?!" May asked.

"I don't know. She called me and I tracked her location to an alley. I helped her with her wounds a bit before picking her up and carrying her back here. She passed out on the way here." I spoke as I rushed passed May and went into my room.

I laid Y/n down on the bottom bunk of my bed before running into the bathroom and getting the supplies I needed to stitch up her wounds. I walked back into my room and May was sitting in the chair in front of my desk, with her elbow resting on the arm rest and her hand worriedly covering her mouth.

I removed the bandage from her arm and stitched it up before moving onto the gash on her head, then the deep stab wound. In order to get to a few other deep cuts on her stomach, I had to lift her shirt up slightly, revealing several large scars which looked similar to the cuts she had just gotten. From what I could tell, seeing the large gash on her head, she most likely had a concussion and with the bruise across her ribs, she probably had a few broken ones.

I placed the med kit back into the bathroom and coming back in with a glass of water and pain meds. I sat them down on the nightstand next to my bed, seeing as Y/n would need them once she regained consciousness.

I paced back and forth in front of my bed before May stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and she gave me sympathetic eyes.

"Sit down. Pacing around isn't going to make her wake up any quicker." She spoke.

I nodded and sat down in the chair in which she had previously been sitting in. She placed a kiss on the top of my head before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. I moved the chair closer to my bed and grabbed Y/n's hand in mine. I rested my arm on the bed and my head in my arm; eventually falling asleep.

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