Chapter 25

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When I woke up the next morning, Y/n was laying with her head on my chest, one of her hands in my hair, and the other resting on my shoulder next to her head. I had my arm wrapped around her shoulders and my head was still resting on top of hers.

I slowly and carefully wiggled from her grasp and stood up, stretching from staying in an uncomfortable position in an even more uncomfortable hospital bed. I yawned and grabbed my phone from the chair next to Y/n's bed.

7:34 am
3 new notifications

I clicked on my notifications to see what they were from.

1 unread message from May

1 unread message from Ned

1 unread message from MJ

I clicked on May's message first.

I didn't want to wake you up when I left last night. I'm heading to work, I'll come check on you guys when I get off.

Next was Ned's message.

Man in the Chair
Coming to visit you guys, bringing MJ

I smiled.

At least Y/n and I will have something to do today.

Last was MJ's message.

I'm only coming because I want to see Y/n.

I laughed and turned my phone off as Y/n began to wake up. She groaned and her eyes fluttered open, her (y/e/c) eyes meeting my brown ones. She gave me a sleepy smile and I returned it.

"Hey, how're you feeling?" I asked, moving over to sit down on the edge of her bed.

"Better. Hungry, but better." She responded sleepily.

"I guess it's a good thing we brought food, then." A voice came from the doorway.

I turned and was faced with MJ and Ned standing in the doorway, holding four paper bags and drinks.

"Hey, guys!" Y/n greeted happily.

Ned walked over and gave Y/n a warm hug. Y/n pulled away quickly and placed her hand over where her stitches were on her stomach as she let out a small grunt.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Ned asked worriedly.

"No, I just overstretched." Y/n replied.

We talked for a few minutes after eating. Y/n kept switching her gaze from the cast on my arm to the one on her leg while doing her thinking face.

"Anyone got a marker?" Y/n asked.

Ned pulled a black Sharpie from the pocket of his shirt and handed it to Y/n. We all looked up at him with our eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" He asked.

"You carry a Sharpie around in your shirt pocket?" MJ questioned.

"Yep." He responded.

We all let out a short laugh and Y/n popped the cap off of the Sharpie with her teeth, keeping the cap between her teeth as she stuck her hand out and did grabbing motions, gesturing for me to sit my arm with the cast on it in her hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, showing a confused expression and titling my head to the side.

"You'll see." She responded, a smile growing on her face as she pressed the Sharpie to my cast.

I watched her as she started to sketch out something I couldn't quite make out. She removed her hand from underneath my cast and lifted it up to my face, pressing her hand to my cheek and turning my face the other direction without looking up at me.

"I can't focus with you staring at me while I work." She stated, replacing her hand underneath my arm to keep it up.

After a few minutes, I got bored of talking to Ned and MJ so I slowly turned my head back towards Y/n, trying to see what she was drawing on my cast. Well, in reality, I wanted to see that cute face she makes when she's concentrated as well. She turned my head back the other direction before I could fully see her and I playfully groaned, trying to get her to look at me. She didn't look up, just pushed my face back in Ned and MJ's direction for the third time. I gave up and continued to talk to Ned and MJ until Y/n was done drawing on my cast.

After about 15 minutes, Y/n placed the cap back on the Sharpie and removed her hand from underneath my cast, pushing my arm into my lap for me to look at it. I looked down and admired her work. She had drawn what the bone in my arm would look like if it wasn't snapped.

"Don't get me wrong, I love it. But you do know I'm going to be taking this cast off in a week tops, right? My powers will have it healed by then." I reminded her.

"I know. But it looked so plain and boring and it was annoying me. They could have at least given us a cool color or some shit." She complained.

I laughed.

"What are you going to draw on yours?" I asked.

"Not sure. Just gonna wing it." She replied.

I nodded as she took off the cap of the Sharpie once again. I watched her sketch for the first few minutes before she looked up at me and narrowed her eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You know what. Go talk to Ned about whatever you two talk about." She ordered.


I stood up and walked over to Ned. MJ moved over to where I was sitting and started to talk to Y/n, giving her suggestions for her cast design. I secretly watched as she started to fill in the details of her sketch, her facial expressions changing from concentrated to frustrated then back to concentrated.

"You really like her, don't you?" Ned asked, a small smile on his face.

"How could I not like her? Just seeing her makes my day a thousand times better than it was. She's beautiful and smart and caring. Even if she is as stubborn as Hell, you can't help but to like her." I spoke, a wide smile streching across my face while I continued to watch Y/n.

"Sounds like you love her."

Do I love Y/n? I think I do. Should I tell her? What the hell am I thinking? We haven't even been on a date yet. I can't tell her I love her. But what if she loves me back? No she doesn't. But what if she does? I should kiss her. No I shouldn't. Maybe I should. Shut up, brain!

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