Back with the Jets and A new gang

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Ally and Riff returned to their apartment and Riff made Ally lunch. "There ya go baby girl" he said setting a sandwich and juice on the table in front of her. "Thank you daddy" she said with a smile. In her opinion her dad made the BEST peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Riff would toast the bread so it was warm so the peanut butter would be gooy and Ally liked the crunch of the bread when she bit into it. "Only the best for my favorite girl" he said kissing her head.

After she finished and everything was cleaned up Ally ran to the window and started to look for the young men she knew as her uncles. "Your uncles will be here soon so wadda ya say we get you ready?" He said. "I am ready" she innocently said turning around with her head slightly tilted in confusion. Riff laughed and shook his head. "Not in those dirty clothes you ain't" he said. "But daddy you don't have clothes that fit me. I ain't a baby no more" she said with a cute pout while crossing her arms.

Seconds later there was a knock and Riff answered the door to see one of the officers holding a box of Ally's things. "Thanks" he said and with nothing but a curt nod the officer turned and left. Riff looked at his daughter and put the box down. He pulled out a white tank top and black jeans with rips in them and tossed them to her. "I do now" he said with a wink. Ally smiled and quickly changed in the room she and Riff would share. When she came out she dug through the box again and pulled out a black denim jacket and pulled it on.

"How's about we surprise your uncles. Quick go hide in the back" Ally smiles and nodded her head following her fathers orders. Soon one after another the Jets filed in. "So what's this big news yous got?" Mouthpiece asked tilting his head. "I'm the big news!" Ally said jumping on his back. "Ally Cat?!" he cried. "Uncle Mouthpiece!" Ally yelled giggling as he threw her in the air catching her again. This went on with each of the boys giving her giant hugs and kisses on the head. Baby John was a bit nervous when it was his turn to give the girl a hug due to the fact he never knew the girl and the Jets never talked about her since she was a sore spot for Riff.

However once the girl reached him for some reason he felt a natural instinct come over him and gave her the biggest hug he could and smiled. "Baby John meet your niece Ally Cat" Riff said with a smile as he pat the Jets shoulder. All Baby John could do was smile at the little girl at loss for words as Riff dubbed him an uncle but that was good enough for Riff and Ally.

"Riff we gotta talk to ya about somethin" Diesel said. Riff raised an eyebrow in question then looked at Ally who was being tossed between Mouthpiece and Baby John all three of them laughing. "Ally Cat babydoll why don't you put all your things away. I need to talk to your uncles" he said. Mouthpiece put her down and she went to the room where the large box was and did as her father asked. For the child of a Jet she always did as she was asked and was respectful towards her elders (in other words her father and anyone who was family or friends). Riff knew it was something she got from her mother.

"So what's goin on?" He asked turning to his boys. "Word is there's a new gang walkin around like they own the streets" Action said with a scowl. "They call themselves the Hawks" Ice informed. "These guys don't mess around though Riff. They're not like the Sharks" Baby John said. "Neither do we" Riff said. "The Jets are just as dangerous if not more than any gang around" he told the group. "Riff we ain't kiddin they got into it pretty good with some of the Ricans and came out on top. Chino sent word that Bernardo actually wants to create an alliance with us" Action said. "He wants to talk to you" Mouthpiece mumbled looking down.

All the young men knew the last person Riff would want to talk to is Bernardo. The one man who almost killed him. Almost took him from his daughter. There was a silence in the room while the leader thought and thought hard. "Ok" Riff said. "What?" The group said in shock. "We"ll set up a meeting with the Sharks" Riff simply replied. "Why? Bernardo almost killed your Riff" Ice said surprised that his leader would so easily give in to what could possibly e a trap. "I just got my daughter back I need to keep her as safe as possible and if the Hawks are as dangerous as they're sayin as much as I hate to say it Bernardo is right. It's smart to have an alliance. This will also give Ally more protection. She'll have both us and the Sharks around. We'd outnumber those goons" Riff said.

The Jets all looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Tomorrow Riff would find Bernardo and his gang and they would sit down and make a fair deal. The Jets were about to make their first alliance with the people they've had so much hate for. But right now it was safety in numbers especially now that Ally was in his care again.

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