Chapter 10: Alone

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Aldrick's P.O.V:

After Cole left my room, I sat on the arm chair, staring at nothing in particular. It wasn't sadness that I felt not exactly, I knew that I didn't love Cole, however he had still been my companion. He was a warm body to fill up the empty space inside me.

I let an hour pass before I called the main desk and asked if they had seen a young man with Cole's description. The man told me, Cole had left in a taxi that was on its way to the train station. I thanked him before hanging up, not bothering to mention that room service still hadn't come to my room.

Cole had left everything I had given him, his clothes, his cash, and the cards I gave him for his spending. He left me and all the comfort I had provided him.

I grabbed my cellphone and called my banker.

"Mr. Frost, how may I help you, sir?" Came the tired reply of Philip, the man that handles all my accounts.

"I need you to give me the weekly estimates of Cole's spending log."

"Um, okay give me two minutes I'll pull them from my data."

Patiently I waited in till he spoke again, "Weekly estimate is usually three hundred too five hundred dollars not including food."

"What does he spend his money on?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose, "Mostly gardening tools, and school supplies for projects. The last big amount he spent was for camera film."

I sighed, Cole was never a big spender, "Ok Philip what I need you to do, is cancel all three of Cole's cards."

"Yes, sir"

"After you do that make sure all of Cole's school expenses are paid and taken care of. He's graduating soon and I don't want him to live out his life paying school debts. Third I need movers to go into my uptown condo and remove all my belongings, Cole will be the sole owner of it now, so take care of the paperwork."

"Is there anything else sir?"

I smiled," Yes, transfer fifty thousand dollars into Cole's checking account, the one in Well's Fargo. His account number should still be under record."

With that said I hung up, Philip will take care of it, I pay him enough money that he's too scared to fuck up.

I sighed letting my phone drop on to my lap, the image of Cole's crying face etched into my memory. It took me by suprise when he asked wether I loved him; the truth is that I never loved him. I was very clear of what I wanted from him, he decided to agree, I took care of him, made sure he needed nothing, but my touch. I admit that I fucked up bad, I fucked up and lost the one person who filled the void in me. Cole is gone.

Although I begged him to forgive me, to give me another chance, I was being selfish and I know that. But, who was I kidding? After what I had done; he was right to get away from my clutches. I had crossed the line and I've hit rock bottom once again.

I covered my face in my hands feeling myself tremble, and I heard the laughing voice of the woman who corrupted me. Her words fallowed, "You're as much as a sick animal as I am, we are no different. You are mine after all."

My eyes sprung open and my hands moved to my mouth, i tried to control the trembling in my hands. Suddenly I felt relieved that Cole was gone, he was no longer by my side. He left me, he was always too good for me, I didn't deserve him, and he sure as hell did not deserve to share my darkness.

My ringing phone woke me up from a nightmare, numbly I turned over in bed and grabbed my cell, "Hello?"

"Aldrick, it's me Dr. Churchill your father called me and said you might want to talk to me about retaking your medication." His voice was the same as I remembered calm and annoyingly soothing.

"I don't recall talking to him about this particular subject." My own voice is strained, "I had a bit of a melt down yesterday, not a big deal."

There were so answer in the other end for a few moments, but finally my own silence forced the Doctor to speak, "You have my number so you can schedule a session when need be."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary." And I hung up.

I don't want any fucking psychologist, after eleven years I was tired of being evaluated and medicated. It's been almost two years since I lived free from all that, I don't want that life back I don't want it. But, as I ponder through all this I can see the silhouette of a woman standing over me the smell of roses hit me.

I shut my eyes clenching my fist, tormented by demons I didn't wish to recollect. But, I couldn't will them away. I had been doing great till a couple of weeks ago when I got served for transfer of assists. Assists that were rightfully mine, they did not belong to that wretched woman. I had pieced my life together finally and it all came crushing down with a few pages. I lost my grip on my self control, lost my submissive, and lost my fucking morality for lusting over a broody teenager.

I thought coming to see my family would ease the storm inside instead I was getting swept up, thrown into different directions.

With a groan I sat up, staying shacked up in here wasn't gonna to help. Not when the memories of Cole cumming still hung on the walls and the apparition of that she devil lurked in the corner.

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