Chapter 9: A Lover's Loss

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Cole's POV:

The whole ride to the hotel was filled with friction, there was no music playing and the two men sitting in front me never looked my way, never spoke a word other than to ask me what hotel I was staying at, and that was that. I was wearing some faded blue jeans and a band shirt I didn't recognize. The clothing I wore was a bit big on me, but they were comforting they were a symbol of my liberation from Aldrick and his controlling habits. I felt so much better I wasn't so drunk, but my heart was the same, heartbroken and faithless. But, I had made up my mind I was going to end my relationship with Aldrick. Even now as I close my eyes I could see his face when I used the safe word and I had never thought I would have too. I was wrong, I was so terribly wrong; I hugged my self tightly as the pain rose up in my chest. To be honest I wanted to be angry at Brew, I mean it was a rational thing to be furious at the person who caused my Dominant to change his feelings for me. Although this is true to a certain extant, it's not completely Brew's fault; most of the blaim was Aldrick's. He is the one who fucked up, not Brew and not me, my ex is the cause of all this tension all the darkness growing inside me.

We finally stopped at the hotel I had checked in with Aldrick in the morning. It seemed so sinister now, with its gothic exterior and velevet curtains. This town seemed to be cursed I wasn't even hear a day and my life was permanently altered. Rick had been home for three weeks and he was a totally different person. I really just wanted to go back home to the city, but the condo I lived in was owned by Aldrick. Even if I go back home I might not even have a place to go...

"Hey kid, give the man your pass key." The gruff voice that spoke pulled me out of my troubled mind. I blinked and looked around me, I hadn't noticed that we even got out of the car and we were now in the hotel's dimly litted lobby. I guess I hesitated too long, when Brew's dad spoke again, "You don't have it do you." It wasn't really a question.

The other man at the desk didn't frown or ask us to leave instead he smiled a friendly type of smile, and with pure amusement in his eyes he spoke, "Well it's okay son, Jared here use to loose his pass key all the time. Wouldn't blaim him, with how beautiful his late wife was, any man would have been scrambling  for his thoughts  around that woman."

So Brew's dad was a widow, with connections, and with a very sexy name.

"Yeah well we can talk about my wife all night if we had the time, but the kid really needs to get into his room." Jared sounded tense at the mention of his deceased wife I observed. The clerk chuckled and asked what room was I staying when I answered him he handed me a pass, just like that, no questions asked or a suspicious glance.

I found myself staring at the men around me waiting for someone to derict me, to tell me what to do. I felt at loss as if I had lost all my will to make decisions. Jared, Brew's dad, suddenly patted my shoulder and I gasped softly taking comfort in the weight of his palm. "Come on Cole, if your lover has chosen to mistreat you instead of treasure you, it's time to let go. The first step is the hardest the next will be a bit easier, in till your running, running into the arms of another that will properly love you."

I stared wide eyed at the man before me, still soiled from a hard day of work, but despite his appearance he was a wise man, a beautiful man.

Rather briskly, Jared helpfully pushed me forward, "Hurry up now, I don't have all night." He added, I turned to him then, but he wasn't smiling encouragingly nor was he looking at me. Jared's eyes were looking at his son who's arms were folded, fists clenched, Brew was looking at the man at the desk with anger. Confused I looked ahead and took my first step forward ignoring the scene behind me.


I slid the passkey slowly, hoping by the mercy of God that it was the wrong key, but the small light flashed green. I took at least three deep calming breaths before I grasped the door handle, but as did this the door swung open and quickly I let go.

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