My Number

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As I walked into the school for the 5th time this week, already tired of waking up so early, I tripped up the stairs. UP the stairs. Looking back I tried to make sure no one saw that, although there was a camera in the stairwell i didn't want to be seen looking dumb on my first week. No one was around luckily

Finally getting to the top of the stairs without tripping and being a little out of breath under the mask, I went to the breakfast line. Grabbing a bagel and a water bottle I went to my class.

Hallways have probably been the most awkward thing to deal with so far at this school, kids glancing at me, some girls noticing i'm new. Teachers not caring about the students. All the slight attention is annoying but you remind yourself nobody really cares about you.

Suddenly you are hugged from the back and you stumble forward. "Heyy!"

Turning back you see Yia, the first friend you made. You finally remembered her name and you got her snap two days ago. She's really good at making conversation sometimes so y'all ended up talking for a few hours.

You gasped, "Yia!! omg where have you been? I never see you at school, this is rare."

"I know.. we have two different schedules so that's a obvious."

"No shit. Don't be all smart." You rolled your eyes

"But i missed you! I like your outfit!"

"Don't hype mee" You smile and do a spin for her

"She thought she ate that" Some dude says down the hall

You turn to them "And did? purr"

"Aw naw she one of dem. You not a main character"

"I don't have to be to know i look good as fuck. Be 100 you know you see it."

"No fr, gtfo the way fay. You wear the same musty ass jacket everyday that smells like balls and moose knuckles."

"How you know what moose knuckles smell like yia"

"Because you're here. emo ass" Yia laughs as she says it, taking your arm and walking with you to your class which was right around the corner.

You frown "We didn't even get to talk really. What's a name messed it up"

"You mean Fay, and you're totally right. Just call me when you get home"

"I get home early remember, just text me."

Yia agrees and walks away as you yell bye to her. Saying goodmorning to your teacher outside the classroom you walk in and sit at the same group. Mai was already there on her phone.

"Maiiii, heyy." Looking up she fake gasp and gets up to hug you. "Yoo, you look good damnn. Who you dressing up for?"

"really? Cause i know. Plus i'm not dressing up for nobody. I already told you i'm not looking for a relationship. My last one ended terribly."

"But you and Jordan been very close to be just friends and you know it."

"He shows me where my classes are, don't do that. If it weren't for him i'd be lost. Plus he's cool i guess, really chill.  Everybody  seems to fuck with him for a reason."

"Girl you like him just stop. Hurry and get together, might as well walk down the isle now."

You laugh and elbow her a little since you're sitting in Jd's spot right next to her.

By coincidence JD walks in like on cue. "Well look who it is." "We were just talking about you"

"Me? About what?"

"How y'all should be together"

You turn to Mai and tell her to shut up playfully. "We're just friends, right?"

"Yeah we are" "Exactly"

"He only said that because you said something"

"Shut up"

"Yo btw y/n let me get your number"

"Oh yea sure" You hand him your phone after unlocking it.

"You just going to give it to me? What if i went through your stuff.

"Now that you said it, makes me suspicious. Give it back creep."

"I'm joking" he hands it back laughing

"He's not. He'll definitely go through your shit and expose you like the lying nigga he is."

"Mai stfu. You always talking, i will not that's od"

You laugh at them arguing and just grab his phone from the desks, putting your number in and saving it as "y/n <3" and texting yourself hey.

"Here, i texted myself for you" You hand him back his phone.

"Bet, i'll text you"

"i wont be pressed if you don't" you chuckled and moved out his way to your seat across from him

"Alright Class take your seats!"


After class you walk with Mai since she's in your next period as well. (second and third period classes rotate depending on the day) You sit across from her since she's the only person you really know in this class.

Y'all joke around in class and you let yourself  come out a little to test the waters. See how everyone reacts. Mai laughs at you as you say random shit, you instantly know she's one to stay close with.

Next period rolls around and it's the "quiet" class. Janie was back and apparently that changed it up. Everyone talks to each other and it's like a mutual big group at times minus the few at the back of the class. Everyone can speak how they want and they all laugh, judge jokingly, or start a new conversation. The class has been filled with nothing but laughter the last 2 days since Janie got back which you noticed she brings the fun.


You turn to see whose calling your name. Janie did a 'come here' motion with her index finger. You walk over very confused and she tilts her head down a little.

"You and Jd dating or what's going on between y'all?"

You laugh "nah we just friends. i don't know why y'all all say that, i repeat the same thing all day."

"Mm. Y'all close for you to just be getting here."

"He shows me to my classes and we just ended up talking here and there. We not even that close for real, i've been here for a week"

"Yeah...okay. You can go back now "

You laugh and walk away. Janie was cool but the questioning was a little uptight.

Last period came around and it wasn't as exciting. You sat across the room from Jordan so you had no one to really talk to except for the people at your table. They just weren't your type of group.

As you sat at your table listening to the teacher when you feel a vibration in your pocket. Taking out your phone you open it and go to your messages, seeing JD texted you. You look across the room to him and y'all make eye contact and he smiles.

'Imessage games?'

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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