chapter 8

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I waved goodbye to my dad who sadly won't be staying with us with his whole We're loaded because of me shit, it's okay it's not like my father's going to miss anything good about my life other than my 18th birthday next year and my first boyfriend in Texas. But it's okay I'm used to it, I'm prepared to congratulate myself when the time comes or am I gonna have to move? We stayed so much more then I thought we would, this is all new to me -staying.

"Hey Greg it's time to go" Lance showed up in his football gear

I stared at him for awhile but looked away

"Why weren't you at the game today? We were struggling without your cheer" He created a conversation I didn't want to answer

"I'm sure the girls did fine without me." I grinned shrugging

"No one was holding the two girls legs up when you were supposed to do that pyramid thing and they failed. But we did win" He nodded

"Well I'll be on the next game, I'll tell my fever to settle in. Good to know" I left him hanging at the door

I sat on the floor of the dance studio just above my room, I looked at my math homework and it's stressing me out just by looking at it, the power of the evil!

"Charlie what are you doing here?" I closed my eyes

"I asked Lance to help you with your homework, you look terrible Ken. So Bad" Charlie shook his head laughing

I looked at one of my mirrors and Lance was just right behind me, standing there like a statue I watched Charlie leave and then I felt like I was about to have a worse fever with the presence of Lance and sharing the same oxygen. No Thanks. His presence annoyed me before and it annoys me now

"That's an isosceles" He pointed out

I looked over at the mirror to see Mackenzie and two of her friends being followed by Greg and Charlie, I chuckled a little.

"How about you isosce- leave me the fuck alone" I looked up at him with a smile

"Oh My God it's Lance Harbor!" One of Mackenzie's friends shook her

"Hey girls!" Lance put up a hand as a greeting

"I'm done with math" I picked up my textbook and headed up

My textbook and the rest of my things slipped off my arm and all I can do is look down at it with frustration feeling like I want to beat it up until it broke. "That's it I give up" I put my hands up in the air

I heard Lance clean it up and set it on the moving chair I set up yesterday.

"Hey, you okay?" He came outside following me

"I'm clearly stressed with math. And you're being the little dick you are by avoiding me after you did that little trap you fucking did, you got me angry again Lance and I'm not surprised you haven't changed" I put both my two fingers up my temples stressed out

He just stood there thinking of a logical explanation to why he's been doing these things to me. The things I hate about him. He looked stressed and he let out his breath after he held it together

"Okay look Ken, I felt like you didn't want to see me" He answered

"Apparently you didn't hear what i said that night you fuck up" I pushed his shoulder

"Kendall I'm sorry I broke you, I'm sorry I got your hopes up, I'm sorry I hurt you and a girl like you shouldn't
be hanging around with a guy like me. You're fragile and I'm afraid I'll just break you again and again and I don't want to do that." He paused

"I really like you Kendall and I mean it" He shut me up with his words

"You mean it?" I asked, my voice low

"I promise, and thats a promise I swear to my life I will never break" His face was filled with worries and fear

"I really want us to work out but maybe you wanted a one time thing" He spoke again wanting to continue and explain his feelings towards me and to everything that's been going on lately

"Lance" I hushed him down rubbing both his arms

"I would be lying if I say I didn't feel the same way, but the problem is you tend to walk out on the hardest point of my life and I needed you. You can't walk out on me Lance" I shook my head closing my lips

"We will work things out our way" I pulled him to give him a hug

His arms wrapped around me and he whispered "Promise me we'll do it together. Promise me we'll dodge the bullets they shoot at us"

"Lance, I promise we can do this together without caring of what they think" I whispered back

I inhaled his scent, the scent that would never make me leave his side I'm glad we worked things out, I waited for this moment, our feud to come to an end. We stood there hugging each other and swaying side to side, I laughed thinking about what I said to him earlier when he told me it was isosceles it was a pretty rad come back. He kissed the top of my head and pushed me away twirling me around like they do in one of those folk dances. Greg came out, just Greg. His face was shocked, his mouth wide open in a smile. Lance and I pulled away wiping our clothes to get off each others germs

"You guys are dating!!!" Greg yelled joyfully

Lance covered his brothers mouth saying "SSSSH. Greg shut up alright it's 2am and I'm not waking her mom up with that news"

I giggled "Lance he's just a kid and my mom's not home, she's in New York with my dad- she's in a business trip one of our stores had a pipe leak out water"

"Alright then, make all the noise you want buddy" Lance pat his brothers back fixing his face, wiping the dirt that came from Lance's face

"Are you guys datin' ?" Greg questioned

I wanted to answer the question but I could be completely wrong, I just waited and glanced at Lance who did look back at me

"Of course we are" He now looked back at me with a smile tucking my hair back to my ears

"Oh joy! Since when?" Greg came with so many questions

"You sure do ask a lot of questions Greg" I brushed his hair away from his hair root

"Since two minutes ago"

"Now let's go mom's gonna wake up without you sleeping and me doing the dishes" Lance carried Lance up to his left

Greg gave me a kiss on the cheek as his good bye and Lance left but walked back kissing me in the lips "Text you later"

Tonight was probably one of the greatest nights I've had ever since I moved here, my neighbors roosters never shut up whether it's morning or night it will cock a doodle do. Lance made me happy.


I AM SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVER TO BE PUBLISHED! I was and still busy with school, I have a month left of school and finals are coming up and I also have BOTT to practice for. BUT I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS CHAPTER AND GIVE IT A LIKE/STAR! #LENDALL IS BACK❤️

xoxo nats (:

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