S1 E1: Apéritif

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Companion Song: "Paralyzed" — the Cardigans

"This is where your sanity gives in / and love begins..."

This "cut unscene" begins at 28:12, about an hour after Will and Hannibal meet in Jack's office. In the previous scene, Will flounced out of the room after feeling "psychoanalyzed" by Hannibal and demanding to know whose profile Hannibal is really working on. "You wouldn't like me when I'm psychoanalyzed!"

    Will checked his watch. He'd been waiting in the courtyard outside the FBI Academy in Quantico for just over an hour. Skulking, really – he leaned against the low edge of a raised flower bed, shoulders hunched, eyes on the glass double doors, carefully monitoring the building's comings and goings. He didn't have much time left. It was a miracle none of his students hadn't spotted him yet and wandered over to talk about his latest lecture. Will could think of nothing he'd enjoy less.

    "Stupid," he muttered to himself, pulling off his glasses for a moment and rubbing them on his shirt, an automatic gesture he often relied on when he didn't know what to do with his hands. What the hell was he doing? This was a bad idea and a waste of time.

    Just as he stood to leave, Hannibal Lecter exited the double doors, briefcase in one hand, his tan blazer draped over the other arm in anticipation of the warm afternoon. Will felt his heart take a great, desperate leap, like a deer vaulting over a fence to flee a hunter. Dr. Lecter moved past him, headed for the parking lot. Will fought his urge to turn and scurry off in the other direction. Just do it! he thought. You've been standing out here for an hour, just do it already.

    "Dr. Lecter," he called.

    Lecter turned, his faint brows rising gently in a look of mild surprise. "Mr. Graham," he greeted, turning and moving closer. Will forced himself forward until they stood face to face.

    "Took you awhile," Will said, shifting uncomfortably and averting his gaze. "You and Jack must have had a lot to talk about."

    "Naturally. This is a very intricate case."

    "If my ears are red it's because they've been burning," Will said, then internally slapped himself.

    But Dr. Lecter just gave him a slight smile. "Yes, we talked about you, but the conversation was brief. I can assure you I'm not here to pick you apart any more than is necessary. I'm sorry if–"

    "Don't apologize. Apologies needle me," Will blurted before he could stop himself, but to his surprise, again, Dr. Lecter seemed immune to his rudeness.

    "I wouldn't like you when you're being apologized to," the doctor joked gently.

    "Yeah," Will said with a small, relieved laugh. When he risked a look at Lecter's face, he saw the doctor's open but questioning expression. "Um, so, I was waiting for–" he took a breath, tried again. "What are you doing now?"

    Dr. Lecter's head cocked ever so slightly to one side. "I was headed back to my office."


    "Just paperwork," Dr. Lecter said. "May I ask why?"

    "I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink." It came out rushed, like water breaching a dam. And with that, he was rambling. "Jack says I'm not sociable. And he's right, it's difficult for me. So this is – this is me being sociable." He took a breath and waited impatiently for Lecter to respond. The doctor did not speak immediately. Did he just want to watch Will squirm? "That's what people do, isn't it? Go out for drinks after work with their coworkers?"

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