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"At least I wasn't chained up to my stand." She retorted with her tongue out. "You little minx-" He grumbled, reaching his hand out to catch her. She dodged, bending and slipping under his arms. The two chased each other like a bunch of highschoolers, it seemed like the school atmosphere brought an air of childishness to the two. Katsuki got a hold of her forearm, and spun her to a stop. He held her arm above her head, pinning her to a wall in an empty hallway. He had his other hand on her waist, holding her and pushing her into the wall.

She put her free hand on his shoulder and used it to hoist herself up before placing a kiss on his lips. His grip on her loosened and she used it as an opportunity to wiggle away from him. "Damn.." He smiled, watching as Y/n giggled with victory. Their little game was put on pause as Y/n told Katsuki to follow her. They entered a door with a golden plate that said 'Prof. Taylor' on it. Katsuki stood cautiously near the door while Y/n made herself at home and plopped down onto the spinning chair behind the desk. "It's a great view isn't it?" She sighed, turning her back to the door and staring out of the window.

The door creaked open, making Katsuki's head whip in the direction of the blue haired masked man that just entered the room. Wide orange eyes met with wide red ones, and they both stared, unsure of what to do. The man's hand snaked towards his mask, but paused when he noticed someone move in his chair. "Hey Charlieeee! No need to take down your mask, it's just me." Y/n smiled, spinning the chair and wheeling herself towards the two men.

"You scared the living shit out of me Y/n!" Charlie scolded, leaning against the door and exhaling. "You know how I like my surprise entrances Charlie. Or should I say professor Taylor? I can't believe you ended up working here! I mean, I guess you've always had a knack for teaching. I mean look at me!" She laughed, getting out of her chair and hugging her old friend. He patted her back and chuckled lightly. "Yeah yeah. How's Benji? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Japan? Or even New York? Did you get in trouble again?  I swear Smiles I-"

"Damn I can't pay my old friend a visit?" She pouted, he raised his eyebrows. "This is Charlie, he helped me get in touch with my.. Emotions. And helped lots with my quirk control. Isn't that right Charlie? He was in the business course with Benji though, not in my class. Charlie, this is Katsuki Bakugou, second in Japan." Charlie shook Katsuki's hand awkwardly before turning back to Y/n. "Yeah your boyfriend, I heard. All over the news. Anyway, what do you want?" She opened her mouth but he shushed her. "I've known you for long enough. I've been in your mind before. Spill."

Y/n smiled and flicked his forehead and grabbed Katsuki. "Could you wait outside for a second?" She asked him, he gave her a confused look. "What? What are you planning now Y/n?" He asked. "Katsu, remember when I told you I had a plan?" Katsuki nodded. "You remember I told you to trust me?" He nodded again. "Well this is the first step, now please leave it to me." She whispered before re-entering the room and shutting the door behind her.

"So Smiles?"

"Charlie, I'm gonna need you to make a visit to Japan in a couple of days."



"What's going on?" Chain whispered into Venom's ear after dragging her into an empty corridor. "I don't know. But the boss is meeting with someone, and he didn't tell us anything. Not who, nor why. I don't know if he trusts us as much as he used to. I mean we let L/n go, he doesn't know to what extent we were involved in it, but he still thinks it was our negligence." She explained, her face twisted with concern and worry. "Damn. Have you had any contact with her yet? What's our next step?" "I don't know Haruki, I really don't."

On the other side of the building, Maneater sat with his legs crossed, staring at the person kneeling in front of him. "So. You want to serve me?" He asked, the person nodded. "Yes sir." "And you're willing to betray Y/n for me?" "Yes sir." Maneaters sighed and got off his seat. He walked around the kneeling traitor, examining his new servant's face and body. "How will I know that you won't betray my cause if I don't grant you what you want? You're not working with me for the sake of my cause, that I know. So how will I secure your loyalty?" His black eyes pierced those that were in front of him as he stared down.

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora