The Kiss...

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My mind was blown, I had so many questions Why is he here? How did he get here? WHY DID HE KISS ME???
I tilt my head away, "I can't..." I whispered, I was only 12 now, and he was 15....I had questions, so I asked "Why are you here Chris?" I asked, staring into his deep green eyes, "I came to find you." He replied, I didn't know what to do, he came all the way from America for me, "Chris...." I said quietly "Ella...." He said as he stroked around my ear, just when I was about to back away, he kissed me again, his lips pressing against mine, his tongue roughly caressing mine, I was alone in my shed with him, my mom and dad... They were dead, died in a car crash, I lived on my own, with the occasional help of my grandmas riches, but, when Chris kissed me this time, I felt... Alive... He was rough, he rubbed my hip, sliding his hand under my shirt, he took one last rough love, and released my lips, he looked down, his forehead was placed on my head, he was fooling around with the strap of my shorts, "I want you badly...." He said as he covered my bent down and covered my face in kisses. Then, there was a click, a camera. I looked, I saw Coen, the boy who made my life hell. He grinned, and ran away.

End of Chap

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