The Beginging

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Ella is a young girl with a love for singing she is funny and nice but she started to realize bad...stuff..
OMG! Ashlyne screamed coming from my basement as if she was watching dateing naked or some crap
What?! What is it?! I came running down stairs to see the horror my friend was in I glared at my two friends sitting side by side looking at Ashlynes tablet.
Alyssa my other friend had looked up at me biting her bottom lip
"What? What is it?" I questioned at my friends Ashylnes head tilted up only for me to see she was  biting her lip to Ashlyne put her hand In a moving motion telling me to come and sit with them. So I sat over and stared at the tablet for only 5 seconds then my eyes widened with two friends looked at me trying to comfort me... What was on the tablet I couldn't understand I didn't know what to think why? Is all I could say in my head my thoughts were filling with laughter not with me but at me. My eyes filled with tears as Ashlyne spotted the tears and hugged me tight as Alyssa grabs hold of Ashlynes back comforting her. That night I went to bed... Paralyzed...I'll be honest I was afraid... My eyes filled with tears as I started sobbing into my pillow...but tomorrow there was school... I took my iPad and looked at my text messages on kik...empty...The only message was my friend Abby asking where she can buy monkeys from stores I shut off my iPad and closed my eyes only to hear a scratch at my door...I opened my door lightly...nothing was there...what was that? I thought in my head. I closed my eyes again. The scratching started. Am I going insane?!?! I thought. I opened the door again only to see my dog Pixie who had her toy in her mouth. I smiled to see the little dog and welcomed her in. I lifted her onto my bed "at least I have you..." I said sadly to the puppy she woofed happily as if she had spoken to my felt like she said something like...YOU N-- then it stopped I glared down at her who was chewing on her toy like it was the end of the world. I smiled once more and closed my eyes tightly...I dreamed about scary things...was this the end I thought? Is this it? I muttered inside my head.

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