A Deadly Explaination

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If anything iv learned from Abby is to create comedy when theres someone...or in this case someThing angry at you soooo i pushed her...its...limits...I started off with somthing i call the...um.the...uh...Gimme a explaination thingy....yeah...lol...so yeah i did that with cofedience "sooo what now? Monster thing...?" i grinned but it didht...it held out her...its hand...and then there was a ice ball hovering over the beasts hand it threw it at my legs i could feel the coldness and the frost bite covering my leg before it could throw a ice ball at my chest and neck i grabbed i shovel and hit it in the head but then poof! black smoke and voises
"this isbt over isnt over isbt iver isnt over isbt over...i will come back for you...."

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