Strange Magic

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As I struggled to escape the ice block that was covering my legs. I could feel my legs turning numb with pain. Then...then I heard a noise. I kept quiet. Their was walking! "HEY!HELLO! WHOS OUT THIER?!?! MOM? DAD?! SOMEBODY!!" I felt like I was waiting for something that isn't going to happen. That's when I heard a voice. "E-Ella?" I recognized that voice... Who...who... It was a deep male voice. "H-Hello! In here!!" I screamed trying to free myself "E-Ella!" I could hear that voice again... Then I heard a harsh noise... It sounded like someone as being hurt "Hello?!?! Hello?!?" I screamed loudly... A puff of smoke sunk threw the door... "N-No..." But then... It disappeared... And I heard fighting... "Stay away from her!" It was the deep voice again... Then I heard a shovel banging on the door, And the door flew open, it was Chris... "ELLA!!" He ran toward me, And kicked at the ice, "C-Chris... Stop..." Tears started to roll down my eyes, "Chris. Stop." I looked at him, his harsh stare refused to make eye contact with me. "Chris! Stop!" My eyes filled with tears and anger "NO!" He yelled "I HAVE TO GET YOU OUT!!" He turned red, "Chris it's useless..." Tears rolled down his cheeks... It stung... He looked at me, crying, "Ella... I know this is the first time we've met in real life... But..." He stopped. "I love you." He leaned in, and kissed me... It felt like heaven, he was giving me a passionate kiss, then... I felt everything melt... He stole me... He stole my heart... The ice melted... I was free... "E-Ella..." He released the kiss "C-Chris..."

End of Chap

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