"Shangguan, pay attention, skiing is very dangerous, and we don't know how Su Yu's skiing skills are. Safety is the main priority."

Zhang Mingshan Road.

Shangguanyue nodded when she heard the words, took the skis and some protective gear from the girl's hands, and set off immediately.

"You guys are waiting for me at the foot of the mountain now. If I don't catch Su Yu, I'll round him up immediately."


Wang Tao nodded and led people down the mountain again.

And on Su Yu's side.

He has already arrived at the high-level ski run.

Regarding the classification of ski trails, in fact, it is already very clear internationally.

There are mainly low-level ski trails, intermediate ski trails, advanced ski trails, and competitive ski trails.

Among them, the green marks are low-level snow courses, and the gradient percentage is 6° to 25°.

Blue is an intermediate **** with a **** of 25° to 40°

Black is for advanced ski runs with slopes over 40°.

In addition, there are double-black expert-level competitive ski trails, steep slopes and various strange terrains, such as narrow ravines, cliffs, obstacles, and woods, which require superb skiing skills, abundant physical strength and coping with various Only those who have experience in such emergencies can do it.

This kind of snow trail is generally not open to ordinary people, but is used for competition.

What I wanted to enter before was the competitive snow track, but unfortunately there was a competition going on there, so I couldn't get in by myself.

But it doesn't matter.

Advanced snow trails are equally difficult for ordinary people.

It is more than enough to get rid of Shangguanyue.

A smile crossed the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

At this time, the figure of Shangguanyue also appeared behind.

"Su Yu."

A few dozen meters away, Shangguanyue appeared with a snowboard.

There are fewer people coming to the advanced ski slopes.

At this moment, only Su Yu and Shangguanyue came.

Therefore, the eyes of the two collided without a doubt.

"Miss Shangguanyue, you are really reluctant to give up."

Su Yu smiled, he noticed the gun on Shangguan Yue's waist.

But he also has a gun in his hand!

The atmosphere seemed to freeze at this moment.

Countless spectators held their breath.

【I'm sorry! So nervous! 】

[Me too, is Su Shen really going to ski next? This **** is so scary, if one is not well controlled and falls, I am afraid that I will be injured! 】

【Injuried? More than hurt? Although the advanced ski trails are not as perverted as competitive ski trails, many people still die here every year! 】

[Yes, yes, I am from Dongchuan, and there are really many people who die in the ski resort every year! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless people were talking.

Shangguanyue had already put his hand on his waist.

"Su Yu, are you sure you want to keep running?"

"Shangguanyue, are you talking nonsense?"

Su Yu didn't know when to put on his skis, smiled at Shangguanyue, and put on his ski goggles.

The next moment, the snow pole touched the ground, and Su Yu slid directly from the top of the mountain with a **** of more than 40°.

Seeing this, Shangguanyue bit her red lips slightly, and a flash of anger flashed in her eyes.

"Su Yu, you can't run away."

The next moment, Shangguanyue skillfully moved her snow stick, also moving downwards.

In the live broadcast room, the frying pan is over.

【I rely on! Play it for real! 】

【Yes indeed! I started to worry about God Su, Shangguanyue seemed to be very professional. 】

[Remove the seeming, if she is not a police detective, she can become a professional skier in minutes. 】

[Digging the groove, Su Shen is in danger! 】

Countless people are arguing.

At the scene, Su Yu was also dozens of meters ahead of Shangguanyue, sliding on the snow.

He glanced back slightly, which surprised him a little.

This woman, Shangguanyue, does not seem to be simple.

The control of the skis and the balance of the body can be said to be easy, and there is no trace of panic on his face, and he is staring at himself.

You know, although the advanced ski trails are not as good as the competitive ski trails, they are still extremely difficult to slide.

Because the speed of the descent is too fast, once there is a mistake between the person and the snowboard, it is very likely to cause a fall.

But looking at Shangguanyue's appearance, not only did he not have any signs of slowing down, but he was still accelerating towards him with the help of a snow stick.


A smile appeared at the corner of Su Yu's mouth.

He exchanged the god-level skiing skills through the system mall.

But this woman should have practiced.

very good!

That's the challenge!

Seeing that Shangguanyue was about to approach him, Su Yu turned his gaze to a small **** a hundred meters ahead.

That's it!

Su Yu smiled slightly, bent down, and at the same time began to quickly use the snow pole to accelerate.

This scene made countless people's eyes widen.

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