Chapter 38

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System, open the mall!

The moment he saw the black off-road vehicle, Su Yu spoke up.

In an instant, the system mall was opened.

After such a long period of accumulation, Su Yu's popularity now has reached as much as 8 million!

This number is absolutely terrifying!

You know, before, you can also exchange a god-level magic skill.

Of course, these are not important anymore.


You have to escape from here now!

"System, how much popularity does it take to exchange 20 points of strength, 20 points of speed, and 20 points of IQ?"

"Back to the host, it takes 100,000 chi points to exchange power, speed, and IQ to exchange 1 point."

The sound of the system sounded quickly.

This surprised Su Yu.

I rely on!

Is this thing so expensive?

100,000 people at 1:00, doesn't that mean that if you want to exchange so much, you have to spend 6 million people directly?

It's just that the situation is critical now, and Su Yu doesn't have so much time to think about it.

"Good! Exchange!"

"Ding! The exchange is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining +20 IQ, +20 strength, and +20 speed!"

The moment the system sounded, a panel appeared in front of Su Yu.

Host: Su Yu;

IQ: 160 (the average IQ of ordinary people is 115);

Strength: 152 (average 110 for normal people);

Speed: 155 (average 110 for ordinary people);

Possess skills: God-level stealing skills (max), God-level parkour skills (max), God-level treasure appraising skills (max), God-level car skills (max), God-level disguise skills (max), God-level magic skills (max);

System Mall: Opened;

Achievement value: 1000;

Hall of Glory: Not open;

Taking a cursory glance at his personal panel, Su Yu felt relieved.

All added.

Now his IQ has reached a terrifying level.

Even...beyond Einstein!

Maybe I'm not as good as him in scientific research, but in terms of IQ, I definitely won't lose!

Moreover, the speed and strength have reached a level that is almost beyond the limits of human beings!

This is great!

After confirming that nothing was missing, Su Yu was about to close the personal panel.

However, at this time, two more items were found below.

achievement value?

Hall of Glory?


Before Su Yu could think too much, he closed the personal panel.

Now that the pursuer has arrived, he doesn't have much time to think.

In the live broadcast room, it has already exploded.

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