Windu shook his head "I don't think we have anything to worry about when it comes to Palpatine but mere political chicanery."

Ember sighed, as much as she had come to respect Windu during this war the man was still blind as a bat.

Her husband had the same thoughts as he snidely replied "Oh, is that all?"

"Ponder this more, we will. Savor this temporary victory, we must." Said Yoda

The jedi nodded before Obi-Wan and Ember left the older Jedi behind, Ember suddenly reached out pulling Obi-Wan into a dark room.

Obi-Wan laughed "Darling, if you wanted me you could have just said so..."

Ember leaned up kissing him lovingly as Obi-Wan tried to deepen the kiss she pulled away "Obi-Wan, I have something to tell you."

Obi-Wan frowned in worry "Is everything alright?" He asked pulling back to look her over and search the bond to make sure she wasnt injured

Ember smiled lovingly as she tried to reassure him "Obi, I'm fine my love, but I have big news.."

Obbi-Wan tilted his head to the side "What is it?"

Ember took a deep breath remembering the last time she tried to tell him this kind of news "Obi-Wan, I'm pregnant.."

Ember had seen her husband in many positions before but the look on his face was priceless as he stared down at her a look of fear in his eyes as he asked "Should you even be standing?"


Qui Gon now eleven years old meditated in his room, he reached out through the force and smiled when he felt his parents nearby. When he realized where they where he quickly began to pull back but stopped as he felt something new. He tilted his head as he met a new force signature, a baby not even fully formed, inside his mothers womb.

"Hello," He smiled as the force signature of the baby answered him back


The next morning Ember sat in the council room and looked up with a smirk as Obi-Wan entered with barely seconds to spare. He had been the one who needed to go back to his own rooms this morning instead of her, his eyes met hers and they were glowing with barely contained joy. He had been thrilled that she was pregnant again and that this time he would be there for her.

Though of course he worried about the war and her place in it, he was pleased that recently she had taken up a permanent position on the council that required her to be on Coruscant more often then not.

 She had turned over command of the Bad Batch to her former padawan, becoming instead the emissary for the Jedi to the Senate. A spy of sorts, the only one of the jedi to have a more direct insight to the dark side due to her gray nature.

After the meeting was adjourned she joined Obi-Wan as he shut down all of the computers. He smiled at her reaching to place a hand over her stomach when the door came slamming open and he quickly drew back looking to see who had entered.

Anakin ran in the room and sighed when he realized he had missed the meeting

"You missed the report on the Outer Rim sieges." Obi-Wan informed him

Anakin sighed "I'm sorry, I was held up. I have no excuse."

Obi-Wan shrugged "In short, they are going very well. Saleucami has fallen, and Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity."

Anakin frowned "What's wrong then?"

"Palpatine" Ember stated wryly making Anakin frowned "Palpatine?" He echoed and Obi-Wan began to explain

Somewhere in the Gray- A Star Wars Story- Obi-WanXOCWhere stories live. Discover now