Let the Rain Fall

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The breeze was soothing, it was like it was telling me it will always be here for me. It can never yell or pity me, it can never hit, or scold me. Only soothing.

I looked up to see the gray clouds hanging over me. Waiting for the rain, I lay down and watched. The ocean was calm. Calmer than usual. Meaning a storm is coming. Rainy days are always my favorite. It's like it's telling me that even the sky has feelings, and needs to let them out.

It began to drizzle a little bit before it started to pour. Sitting on the sand with nothing but wet clothes I heard a voice. It was quiet, mostly likely from the rain bearing down on me and whoever else is here.

I heard it again, the voice, it sounded so familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I looked over my shoulder to see him. The beach boy. He was running towards me. I noticed he had black shorts on with a white shirt. Yep, a white shirt. As you already know white shirts during the rain are the best at being seen through. As he began running toward me I could see his toned abs through his shirt. Wait, why are you looking at him, weirdo?! Okay, get your thoughts together Bri.

When he finally got me he stopped before me and I looked up as he looked down. "Yes?" I said, bowing my head a small inch before looking back up. "What are you doing out here during a storm?" She shouted at me, it wasn't really a shout, more him trying to ask a question but can't do it in a normal voice because of all the rain. "What does it look like? I'm sitting in the rain. What are you doing out here?" I asked. Seriously what was he doing out here? " I saw you sitting here in the rain from my kitchen window." He pointed behind him at a dark blue house with white trim. So that's where he lives. "Good to know you have a good view of the ocean as well," I replied. He just shook his head and sat down next to me. "You haven't answered my question. What are you doing out here?" He asked. I guess my first answer wasn't enough. "Just sitting, enjoying the rain," I spoke loud enough for him to hear.

He nodded, satisfied with my answer and we sat in silence. "Wanna dance?" He asked. That question surprised me. I was so confused. Why did he want to dance with me? In the rain? He must have seen my confusion when he spoke up again, "Have you ever seen a movie where the two main characters dance in the rain? Or at least read a book with a rain scene?" I do remember reading a book that had a rain scene. It was good.

I let out a comfortable breath, soaking in the damp air around us. "Sure, why not." I looked over at him and saw he had already gotten up and held out his hand for me. I took it and he spun me around. I laughed. He did too.

His laugh was nice, it wasn't weird, it was soothing, just like the rain. "Wait, we don't have any music?" I questioned as he just shrugged. "The rain can be our music" He spoke as he spun me around again.

I do have to admit this was fun, I felt free, alive even. I've never had a person wanting to dance in the rain with me. I've only ever experienced it in the books I read.

We kept dancing, not the slow kind of dancing, but the fun kind. Like we were at a ball of some sort. I kept stepping on his feet which he didn't mind since we were both barefoot. I stepped on his foot again and instead of continuing to dance he tripped and fell to the ground. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. I burst out laughing, tears ran down my face, but for once it wasn't of sadness but of joy.

He got up and laughed with me but stopped when he saw my tears. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, grabbing my hands from my face. I just kept laughing. At least that's what I thought I was doing. "Hey?" He asked softly, holding my chin up. "Are you okay?" I didn't know what to say, so I told him the truth. "No," I said softly. He didn't respond, he only held me closer to him, hugging me. He hugged me.

"Let's go to your house okay?" he whispered in my ears. This time I didn't respond and only nodded.

He led me up my stairs and into my house, the door was still unlocked from when Ronny broke into my house this morning. He grabbed a towel that I left on my table and wrapped it around me. "I'll wait down here while you change, okay? Just call if you need anything." He said softly. I nodded and trailed myself up the stairs and to my bedroom to change.

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