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I went to my room thinking how the things turned like that between me and him and my father wasn't there I was so lonely even if I have millions friends but I feel so empty without Max's Friendship

I texted ava so I texted ava immediately  and told her about the role I got and everything else but she didn't reply I think she's busy or something like that

so I texted Mia and tell her about the new news and wow she replied as fast as the light I was so happy to hear that someone will hear what I say because I was feeling so lonely and I didn't know what to do I was just alone

Mia: Bestie, I'm so happy for you I knew you will be selected as Cinderella   because you are so talented so pretty and so blah blah blah...

You: Yeah yeah thanks Mia what about you why didn't you join me? I bet you will be the real Cinderella!

Mia: Pff no way I'm just a tree compared to you

You: ...

Mia: Who will be your prince charming? 😉😉😉

You: Oh come on I don't know and the boys who joined are like not even attractive

Mia: Oh yeah all the guys in the school are ... Not our type

Me :Exactly.. especially Tom 😂

Mia: Noo not him 😂😂

Mia: oh god dad is here talk to you later, or seeya tomorrow

You: seeya

Mia : love ya ❤️

You: ...

And with that I put the phone away and fall asleep

The next day, I opened my eyes because of the stupid alarm that annoyed me for more than 10 minutes and the one that I broke today lol I get up and get ready I'll be a princess today and because of the role I have to miss the math period YAYAY

I sit to eat something before I go to school and that moment I saw that max was looking at me from a far I felt so uncomfortable so I asked him to join the  breakfast with me he stopped eating with me month ago

He looked at me without any reply so so I looked away and ate my breakfast so fast because I was feeling so crapped out then I get in the car and went to school the fast I can to avoid him because he was looking so creepy

In the school, ava runs to me and hugged me

"Omg Amanda I'm so sorry I read your message recently"

I hugged her back "it's okay I understand it's not a big deal" and in that moment I spotted Max behind her looking at me and he was looking so freaking mad ,I smiled to ava and run to the girls bathroom because I don't know what he wanted does he want to take Cinderella's role?

I went to the bathroom and wash my face and I saw Ava's reflection in the mirror I turned to her " what happened Amanda ? What are you afraid of ?" She asked ," well I'm just... Shy.." I turned around feelings so embarrassed because I was so stupid to say that

"Aww I know acting like Cinderella is making people shy and that's pretty fine you will do great trust me" she said and i nodded and left to the practice room

There I saw everyone except the one who his role is the prince I start feeling like something crazy is about to happen so I asked Olivia , her role was the step mom

I whispered " hey Olivia! Who will play the prince?"

"Ooh yeah it's max ,max will be the prince " she said

In that moment he entered and I looked at him like he killed my mom ... So that's why he was looking at me like all the day he wanted to know my reaction when he sees me

"H.. him? M.. MAXX????" I said stuttering

She giggled " yes ... Is he your crush?"

"What no what the hell ? "

Then the director grabbed my arms and led me to a small room where only Max was there " ok so the important roles will be here practicing for their roles... Call me if you have any problems" and with that he left

Heartless Love | By Rimy/Ladybug 768/LadywriterWhere stories live. Discover now