♥️ romanogers ♥️

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Wanda- I have just left Sharon

Pepper- what did u say

Wanda- I felt ill

Thor- dammit I was going to use that one

Wanda- think of something else

Wanda- Thor I'm behind the bush on ur left

Thor- right

Wanda- no left

Thor- I meant ok

Thor- also cap may be a little suspicious

Tony- why

Thor- the first excuse I thought of was that I still felt drunk from last night

Tony- THOR

Peter- Mr stark what's wrong with that

Vision- kid he can't actually get drunk

Vision- not on human alcohol

Peter- oh

Wanda- yep Sharon has gone up to cap

Thor- there walking away now

Tony- Barton wru

Clint- coming, give me a minute

Clint- Natasha didn't want 2 come, she didn't look to happy

Wanda- oops

Tony- what did u do

Wanda- I told her u think Steve has a crush on Sharon, u no for more jealousy

Clint- oh that's why she refused to say

Clint- I think imma have 2 communicate with her by text

Clint- she won't say a word

Tony- just make sure she sees them

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