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Fury added tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, vision, peter, Scott, bucky, sam

Natasha- fury what is this

Fury- a group chat for emergencys

Tony- only emergencys???

Fury- ONLY emergencys stark

Peter- this is so cool

Tony- quiet kid the adults r talking

Peter- sorry Mr stark

Natasha- remind me how old he is

Tony- 15

Wanda- oh, that explains a lot

Tony- anyways I have something EXTREMELY important to discuss

Thor- hello mortals

Sam- not now Thor, I need drama

Scott- omg your Thor, son of Odin!!!

Thor- yes, the STRONGEST avenger

Bruce- I disagree


Natasha- what's up tony

Tony- glad you asked NATASHA


Tony- so Steve, u no what we were discussing earlier...

Steve- tony

Tony- well

Tony has been deleted from this group

Bucky- ?


Clint- Steve why the hell u do that

Clint- Steve

Peter- why did captain delete Mr stark?

Clint- dunno

Wanda- well that was weird

Fury- what did I tell u about important stuff only, and cap add stark back, I no he's a complete pain but we have to deal with it

Fury- cap

Fury- captain America

Fury- Steve Rogers

Fury- don't u dare ghost me Steve Rogers

Natasha- why was this chat even created

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