♥️ romanogers ♥️

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Tony added Clint, Wanda, vision, Thor, Bruce, pepper

Bruce- romanogers?

Thor- what is this romanogers you speak of

Vision- it is a blend of Romanoff and Rogers I think

Tony- precisely

Wanda- u made a hole group chat just so we could discuss this?

Clint- precisely

Tony- well actually we need a plan to get them together

Wanda- yesssssssss, they r best together

Thor- what is this plan then mortal

Tony- well POINT BREAK we don't have one

3 hours later

Clint- anyone thought of anything yet

Wanda- yeah, but none of them could work cause nat will easily no what we r doing and I don't want to die

Vision- I second that

Pepper- how about just letting them be???

Tony- no way

Pepper- don't force them tony

Tony- I was never going 2

Pepper- just so u can see some drama

Tony- I wouldn't

Pepper- do u actually care about them being happy

Tony- u think I don't???

Wanda- I feel like we r intruding

Thor- yep

Vision- certainly

Tony- pepper I do have a heart

Pepper- well then stop acting like a child

Thor- ouch

Clint- ooffffffff

Tony- look, pepper, both of them will never admit they like each other, I just want 2 help

Pepper- promise

Tony- promise

2 hours later

Tony- anybody?

Clint- hbu Bruce I've been very quiet, u have any ideas

Bruce- no

Clint- k chill man

Bruce- r u even sure they like each other

Bruce- like did Natasha tell u

Clint- well no but it's so obvious...

Bruce- I'm out

Wanda- what

Tony- wait Bruce

Bruce left the chat

Clint- what's wrong with him

Tony- I'll speak to him later

Tony- Everybody just keep there thinking caps on

Tony- like as in hats not captain

Wanda- yeah we no

Tony- oh k

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