♥️ romanogers ♥️

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Clint- I've got it guys

Wanda- really!

Clint- yup, congratulate me later tho I have 2 explain my master plan

Thor- explain away my friend

Clint- so Nat hates Sharon right

Tony- don't we all

Pepper- TONY

Tony- what it's true

Clint- anyways so I think we should find a way to get Sharon and cap close and make nat SUPER jealous

Vision- there's a good chance that won't work but

Tony- it's brilliant

Tony- we need an excuse to get her into avengers tower

Pepper - tony

Tony- I vote for a party!!!!

Wanda- yes

Vision- no

Pepper- no

Clint- yes

Thor- yes

Tony- that's more yesses, I'll schedule it for 3 days time alright

Clint- yay

Pepper- u r gonna be the death of me

Tony- and then during that Wanda u pretend to be friends with Sharon

Wanda- do I have 2

Tony- and invite her for a walk the next day

Tony- then thor u invite cap for a walk for the same time same place

Clint- and when u get there u both make up an excuse to leave

Clint- and me and Nat can then go on the same walk a few minutes later

Tony- and we will carry this sort of thing on till it's to much for her

Thor- you mortals r actually pretty clever

Tony- ok ' not the strongest avenger's

Tony- speaking of strongest avengers I need to go speak to banner about y he left this chat

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