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Sharon- hi

Natasha - what

Sharon- wdym

Natasha- why r u texting me

Sharon- am I not allowed

Natasha- I'd prefer u didn't

Sharon- don't be mean

Natasha - I'm being truthful

Natasha- do u want something or...

Sharon- I was hoping u could tell me some stuff about Steve

Natasha - oh

Natasha - like what

Sharon- stuff he likes, where he likes to go

Natasha - why

Sharon- I don't have to tell u that

Natasha - yes u do

Sharon- why u so protective

Natasha - he's my team mate

Sharon- that's it right

Natasha - yep

Sharon- stay away from him

Natasha- what

Sharon- stay away from Steve

Natasha- no

Sharon- y not

Natasha - y should I

Sharon- omg stop being so annoying

Natasha- u stop acting like ur smarter than me

Sharon- well I am

Natasha- oh really

Sharon- y u hate me so much

Natasha- could say the same for u

Sharon- just tell me what he likes and I'll leave u be

Natasha- hb no

Sharon- just please

Natasha- he likes donuts with red white and blue sprinkles

Sharon- oh thank u so much

Natasha- I told u what he likes now go away

Sharon- just cause u feel threatened by me

Natasha- why would I feel threatened by u

Sharon- cause u think Steve may like me more than u

Natasha- I don't care who Steve likes more

Sharon- oh really

Natasha- yes really

Natasha- bye have a bad day

Sharon- oh u chickening out now, poser

Natasha- I don't pose

Sharon- yeah u do

Natasha- well it's a bit rich coming from u with all that makeup on u could be a pig and no one would notice

Sharon- u r so petty

Sharon- I'm over this conversation

Natasha- thank God u r

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