
The second year, nothing she wished to ever relive. Being petrified, being called awful slurs, being in danger for associating with the trouble making Harry Potter..

The chamber of secrets, a vile, dark place housing one of the most dangerous creatures she had ever met. Meeting a troll seemed less dangerous now, it seemed almost ridiculous to compare the danger to that of a basilisk. A creature that could petrify you with a single glance.. for half of the year she had been petrified, solely depending on Harry and Ron's combined wits to save them.

Thankfully it seemed that luck was on Harry's side this time, she was un-petrified but not without consequence. The summer that followed she found herself gasping and reaching for her sheets, knuckles white trying to calm her raging heart. Nightmares a terrible thing..

When she woke she would try to convince herself she was alive, she was alive, she was no longer frozen in time , no longer still to the world.
Her parents smiled as she lied to them once more, her heart getting heavier each time she barely gave them anything, she loathed her silver tongue, perhaps Slytherin would've been a better fit.
The lies seemed to fall from her lips, she found it became easier the more she lied— it scared her— terrified her.

"I don't usually do this" she paused clenching her fists tightly, she screwed her eyes shut stopping the incessant burn as tears threatened them "I don't know whether there is a god or gods.. if you're listening..tomorrow I go back, for the past two years my life has been anything but normal, being introduced into a world of magic and wonder.. I believed .. now those two years passed with danger.. coming into an inch of my life.." she bit back the sob "please let this next year be normal, please allow Harry to live a normal life, please give him a chance to experience the wonder of childhood without looking over his shoulder.. and maybe if you could get Ron to stop being such a prat that would be excellent as well." She laughed softly "amen .. or whichever works.. thank you for listening."


Her first thoughts as she watched moony attack Sirius in his animagus form 'so much for religion' she thought acidly.

Sirius was in no way to defend himself as the werewolf growled and snarled in the black dogs direction, Sirius's went limp, her heart stilled. She couldn't believe it, only hours after finding Harry's godfather was innocent of all charges and Ron's sniveling rat was truly the reason Voldemort found James and Lily Potter had her heart clenching. She looked at Harry, despair clearly written his face, his normally bright green eyes dulled with horror..

"Harry" she called softly "listen to me, I don't want you to argue if you do you'll be wasting time. Time that Sirius does not have. Take him, take your godfather and run."

His eyes widened "No! I can't leave —"

She gritted her teeth, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

She never truly believed she was meant for Gryffindor but now more than ever she wished to save him, save her best friend and his chance at happiness. She tried smiling but it came off as a grimace instead "Harry James Potter you are my best friend.. Sirius is important to you.. that means his important to me.." she paused gathering her thoughts "I need you to once in your life listen to me and not argue.. take him and run.. he needs to heal and if he stays here he'll.." she trailed off but the implication was clear , Sirius Black would die, Harry would most likely be next considering his abysmal spell work. She gripped her wand tightly steeling her resolve "leave" his eyes fixed on hers for a moment — tears glistening behind his round glasses.

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