Season 1 Episode 9

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I don't own DxD, One Punch Man or either of their characters.

It is Saturday at midday at Issei's home. And he and Nui were in the livingroom.

Nui:Issei are you sure it's wise for you to bring them here?


His eyes glowed yellow for a second and then the fallen angels and Do-S teleported in the livingroom...


....with a hard fall to the ground. They all shot up wide awake and clutching their sides and bodies in pain.


Kalawarner:FUCKING HELL!

Mittelt:THAT HURT!

Do-S:Really hurts!! And not in a good way. Those chains wrapped around me earlier were the worst!

Nui who was standing beside Issei was giggling at this.

Nui:Heheheheh. That was harsh Issei!

Issei:Compared to what I'm capable of against my enemies, this is kindness.

Nui:💧I-If so then I would hate to see when your vengeful.

Issei:That aside, welcome to my home you four.

The fallen and the female Kaijin looked Issei with wide eyes and a scowl.

Fallen Angels and Do-S:You!!

They jumped at him but Issei's eyes glowed for one second and they ended up floating in air frozen in place.

Raynare:Wh-What the hell?

Kalawarner:This kid...he froze us in place in the air!

Mittelt:Ugh! I can't move!

Do-S:Let us go!

Issei:In due time. However, we need to talk first.

Raynare:And why would we-

Issei:Because you are not dumb enough to pick a fight with me a second time.

He walked to her face and he let out a small reddish aura from him scaring the three fallen angels, the former Dominatrix Kaijin and Nui.

Issei:Are you?

Fallen Angels and Do-S:...N...No.

His eyes glowed again and the four were released and fell on the floor again.

Issei:Thought so. Now, I have some questions. First one goes to you three.

The three fallen angels watch him worried.

Issei:I know that you were given orders from Azazel to observe me.

Raynare:H-How did you-

Issei:I spied on you the whole time from security cameras. While they might have been "turned off", my powers bypass that so I can see through them anyway.

The fallen including Do-S were shocked by this.

Kalawarner:You...You spied on us?

Issei:I spy on everyone I see as a threat to humans as much as I can. I am not naive to not do so.

They looked at him a little angry but couldn't deny the logic in that. Raynare was ordered to do the same to him after all.

Issei:As I was saying, I saw you talking to Azazel in one of your "secure and secret hiding spots" in Osaka and he gave you orders to observe me. And a week and few days after that, I saw you were approached by Kokabiel who I belived sensed my power, right? I already know he gave you the order to kill me instead of observing me because he deemed me a threat, so I won't bother asking that. But then he ordered you all to work under him behind Azazel's back to take the Sacred Gear from Asia. But I don't know his reasons. Why did he do so?

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