6 the long route

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As they went on with their adventure they need to take the long route wich will take them 4 more days than usual.

Because they made this small mistake kimochi got mad at the 2 and started yelling at them :" IF YOU GUY'S WERENT SO DAMN LOVEY DOVEY EVERY DAY WE COULD HAVE BEEN HERE TODAY BUT NOOOW WE HAVE TO GO ON FOR 4 WHOLE DAYS?!"

"Wowowoah kimochi calm down" Rosemary said kinda irritated.

Volpes Looked at the 2 and asked :" whats all this yelling for? You guys keep acting like freaking children in a playground."

Rosemary and kimochi looked at Volpes, kimochi and said :"You know what volpes you're right we should keep going".

when they arrived at their next destination also known as the siren swamp which is absolutely dangerous because sirens could lure them into the water and drown them.

On the path of this swamp they saw a figure standing in the mist.

Kimochi looked confused as in sirens arent supposed to stand on land.

The 3 decided to go further towards the figure but as they got to the figure they saw it was someone crying.

It looked like a little girl but she had wings and 3 eyes? Kimochi ofcourse came up to the young lady with courage and asked :" whats wrong young lady?"

The creature looked up at kimochi and said: I'm not a lady?? I use Xe / Xem pronouns!,

Kimochi said in a appolagizing manner: "I'm so sorry What do i refer to you as?"

"Just call me alrenoth." Alrenoth said.

"Ok alrenoth! My name is Kimochi and these are Rosemary and Volpes" kimochi said pointing to the 2.

Alrenoth said that Xe was lost.
Xe was walking around trying to find mushrooms while not noticing xe went into the swamp.

Kimochi looked at Alrenoth and said "come on we will help u get out of here, we're on our way to the phoenix flower if u know that that is? "

Alrenoth looked happily at kimochi and yelled:"YES YES I would love that! , I even know a few shortcuts because the way you guys went is kinda the long route."

Kimochi looked irritated at rosemary and volpes and said "yeah it's the fault of these 2 lovebirds."

Kimochi looked at rosemary that was already looking annoyed at kimochi and said: "WHAT? it's not my fault im aro-ace?"

Rosemary got angry and said:" just because you're aro-ace doesn't mean you have to keep saying me and Volpes are lovebirds and lovey dovey."

Volpes yelled:"no stop fighting again you have had enough fights on our way here and our new friend alrenoth seems like xem knows the way so shut it and let's get to moving.

As they went through the thick mist they eventually made it to the hickory forest this forest is known as one of the most calmest forest of all or it it?...

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