3 the start

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Volpes and Rosemary are in Rosemary's cabin.

Rosemary said: "you need ur sleep Volpes so go get some rest ill be prepairing med-kits and our bags."
Meanwhile Rosemary let go of Volpes's arm.

"why is ur grip that harsh! You almost broke my arm!" Volpes yelled.

Rosemary looked back at volpes and said: "I'm sorry I just dont want to lose another... go get ur rest u can even watch a movie if you'd like, I have elfflix?"
Volpes looked at Rosemary and said: "another?"

Rosemary turned his back to volpes and shook his head : "another..." and he walked away to pack their bags.

Volpes POV
Im so confused what did he mean with another?

Did he also lose someone due to this cryptid virus?

I sat down on the couch and putted on a movie on elfflix.

Is he also gonna come watch the movie?

Or is he just gonna go to bed?

I kinda do hope he comes to watch this movie with me, I need some sort of comfort after today.

Rosemary's pov

Man I said too much didn't I.

You know what I dont care im going to pack these bags and just come back to watch the movie their watching.

their a female right?...

she looks like a female?

You know what forget it I just need the medical kit and bandaid berries also not to forget the vine shields.

And proberbly a weapon of sorts maybe my bow and arrow?

No thats not appropriate. Maybe a sword? Or katana?

I'll take a dagger and sword with me I guess?

Rosemary packed the bags and walked back to volpes

"Ur back?" volpes said with an confused voice.

"Yeah I finished packing our bags for our trip tomorow" Rosemary said with an exhausted/ irritated voice.

I chose a movie to watch u want to watch it with me? Volpes said to Rosemary.

Rosemary said a bit less irritated:"Sure I'm down to watch a movie move over!" Volpes moved to the side and pressed play on the remote.

During the movie they fell asleep but one thing they didnt know was that they fell asleep holding each other

The next day:

Volpes woke up first shocked seeing Rosemary on top of them. They didnt want to wake him up so they pretended to be asleep.

2 hours later rosemary finally woke up

Rosemary was shocked to see that he has fallen asleep on top of Volpes and carefully sat back up acting like nothing had happened.

not knowing volpes was awake Volpes didnt want any suspicion so they "woke up" 30 minutes after.

They had breakfast and both acted like nothing has happened

Rosemary already planned the route they were gonna take.

All they needed was the courrage to even go through this path.
Through the spider forest the hickory forest and the shadow cave to even get this flower is gonna be a dangerous trip but they are determined to find the flower.

Rosemary's journeyWhere stories live. Discover now