5 mushroom-fields

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As the crew woke up they decided to work together against the spiders that wanted to devour them.

They ran shot and stabbed the spiders and finaly they came to the foggy entrance of the mushroom fields.

All they could see was mist nothing else.

Volpes began to shake making Rosemary wanting to comfort them and he put an arm around Volpes's shoulder and they walked trough the mist.

"The fog is clearing up!"Kimochi said.

"Cmon guys stay together even tho the fog is clearing up doesnt mean we cant lose each other": rosemary said.

Kimochi the brave shinakin didn't listen and started running towards the place where the fog has cleared up.

Rosemary and Volpes took their time going trough the mist. But they stopped in their tracks when they heard kimochi scream.

They looked at each other eyes wide open and started running towards the place where the noise came from.

Volpes looked annoyed when they saw kimochi was riding a gigantic butterly and screaming of laughter.

Rosemary looked relieved as he decided he also wanted to ride an insect.

Volpes looked at all the insects and saw a adorable ladybug they decided they wanted to try and tame the but surprisingly the ladybug was nice and it seemed like it was already tamed?
it was an easy task to be able to fly on the back of the ladybug.

Meanwhile Rosemary was also trying to find an easygoing insect. Wich was hard because Rosemary doesn't really know a lot about insects.

But then he stumbled across a honey bee. He'd gently pet the bee and eventually He jumped on top of the back of the bee, the bee acted normally almost like it had been ridden before.

Eventually the 3 flew on top of their insects over all the poisonous mushrooms afterall these mushrooms can kill you with something simple like a touch.

as they flew over they suddenly saw a huge pack of birds coming their way!

They told the insects to go faster but the birds were only 5 metres away From them being bird food.

In a split second they decided to take the long route to the shadow dungeon because that was safer but then Rosemary's heard Volpes scream!

He turned around to see volpes Falling into the mushroom fields now in a situation of life or death he could save himself from the birds or volpes that was falling to their death.

he decided that he wanted to save volpes from the falling because volpes is the reason he did this entire adventure in the first place.

He flew back with his bee guiding him to volpes, volpes almost fell into the mushrooms but rosemary grabbed volpes right by the second and lifted them on top of the bee.

"Thank god the birds are gone" Rosemary said gladly.

As they flew to kimochi. Kimochi was amazed to see them both alive.

"Well lets get going we flew the wrong way so we still have a long route to walk" kimochi said.

Rosemary asked volpes : "what happened back there weren't u on top of a ladybug?"

Volpes looked back at rosemary and said: "i dont want to talk about it lets just say that the ladybug got eaten by one of the birds."

rosemary looked worried staring at volpes but kept walking.

Rosemary then said "sorry for asking about it that ladybug was proberbly really nice to ya."

Kimochi looked at rosemary and volpes and said in a playful way : "yall would make a good couple~"

Rosemary looked at kimochi and said:" YOU MORRON NO WE WONT MAKE A GREAT COUPLE."

Rosemary started running after kimochi.

Volpes looked at the two slightly blushed and thought: "those 2 idiots If they keep fighting we'll never make it to the flower."

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