Chapter 167

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Several hours had passed since the youth had activated the divine items to assist in the single lifer's recovery. By the time he returned to his guest room to assess the human's condition, he discovered the other exiting the bathroom. His black locks were dripping water down onto his face and exposed chest. An innocent smile spread across his face when he saw his liege frozen in place. Red-browns stared at the numerous scars covering the mortal's torso.

<He has almost as many as I did when I was Kim Rok Soo.>

"Is something wrong, Cale-nim?"

Shaking his head, the exhausted God of Love grabbed him another towel and asked.

"How do you feel right now?"

Drying off his hair, the swordmaster replied.

"A lot better."

<Looks like the Rose of Recovery is quite powerful compared to Angelina's Orb of Healing.>


Delicately, he set his sons on the sofa in the sitting area. Strolling over to the bed, the redhead examined the still activated items. One of the flower's petals had withered away. Only 19 now remained. Carefully, he picked it up and returned it to its assigned box. After he covered the orb, he put the two precious items away. During that time, the raven haired man got dressed into a fresh change of clothes which had been left for him earlier by the assassin. Dark irises observed the noble quietly prior to the door opening. Sky blues glanced at him briefly while the future king entered the room and approached the deity.

"Chief Harol and Commander Toonka have returned to their quarters."


Turning his attention to the swordsman, he confirmed.

"Will you be able to perform your duties properly?"

Bowing respectfully, the punk reassured the mixed blood.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Don't worry, Hyung. As long as he rested properly, he should be back to perfect health."

<Especially since the bloom was grown by Salm themselves.>

His statement piqued both the mortals' interest. Did he get a new divine item? They knew he hadn't used any of his healing powers. That meant it had to be something he received from another God. This left them with a few questions. Was it a limited use item? Which God gave it to him? What did he pay them to obtain it? When exactly did he receive it from them?

Ignoring their curious gazes, the redhead scooped up his children before saying.

"Let's head back."

After they arrived back at the lounge where they had eaten lunch, they and the awaiting group teleported to the predetermined coordinates. A solitary knight had been left by the Crown Prince to prevent anyone from entering the chamber while they were gone. Once the light faded, they discovered that they were in a large office on the top floor of a fancy inn. Shock was present on everyone's faces as they examined their surroundings.

"Where are we?"

No response came from the youth. Instead he sauntered over to the desk and took a seat. His two sons cuddled into him prior to the older of the duo notifying their siblings with magic.

-I told Noonas and Hyungs that we're here~

Pats of praise gently landed on his head.

-Good work, Raon.

Those who did not know his affiliation with Amare watched in disbelief and confusion as the 18 years old opened a file and began to skim through its contents.

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